• Gunners #4 I miss you/me

    Meanwhile at the BWF centre, John starts to meet with Onimaru

    John: good evening gentlemen.....

    Onimaru: John you do know we are all upset

    John: oh yeah, i forgot about that, sorry.... I'm guessing humans are quite a nuisance huh?

    Onimaru: no... they're quite annoying as hell, this is why i don't trust humans like you

    John: woah woah woah come on now, we got problems here, i know the specimen and the host failed to kill her, but hey! i could make better ones!

    Nakahima: yeah liek better ones that could fail on one girl! this is why Hakuru Sakura is a troubled one! this is why experiments fail to capture Hakuru Sakura this is why-

    John: this is why "you" guys fail

    Onimaru: well what do we do now? we've on an outrage now, our company is falling apart

    John: no, your company won't be falling apart just "yet" how about making your clones stronger.....?

    Onimaru: we've tried that

    John: no i mean't even more stronger, clones who can read their movements, clones who can master any martil arts and weopons, clones who could lift up a ton or two or even so like a tank! clones who could master the arts of Gunners! come on! what do ya say?! after all, you do have Saya's body right?

    Onimaru: yes..... wait your not telling us to revive Saya are you?

    John: you could say that, i could actually make other clones stronger

    Onimaru: you know Saya cannot be revived without a soul, each clone has a soul itself, theres no way in the world that i can just revive a some body with just a shell

    John: come on guys haven't you seen any American films? like Frankenstein!

    Onimaru: thats stupid John.....

    John: come on, i could make each and one of your clones stronger! even better! like super soldiers!

    Onimaru: fine..... do the heck you want, I'm going home...

    Nakahima: indeed i too will

    3rd BWF: i'll stay...


    later on back at Yukina and Yukio's place

    Hakuru: morning, hows Rebecca?

    Yukina: shes going great, i've checked in with her specimen, seems liek i can't get it out, although she can actually grow stronger, she doesn't really feel hungry at all, i think she has the ability to grow her breast...

    Hakuru: don't say that.... anyways Yukina i need some weopons and one P90, and a few C4's and grenades

    Yukina: wait how come?

    Hakuru: cause I'm going to go and find Saya's body

    Yukina: well okay then, you can take Yamota and Ki-

    Hakuru: no I'm going alone.... oh yeah my bio system is kinda growing a bit stronger altely, my healing is still slow, so i'll be going to take it easy, i need some of those pills, or some pain killers, thanks

    Yukina: look Hakuru if you need-

    Hakuru: don't worry i'll be fine, after all, i can't just let a friends promise stay in my head forever right?

    Yukina: i guess yoru right...

    Hakuru: see ya Rebecca you take care alright?! oh yeah almost forgot!

    she ran to Saya's soul and clones body

    Hakuru: yo Saya! I'm off okay?! you take care and rest! I'm going to get you back to your body! don't worry once then we can like you know, hang out you know? or find.... our.... ahh... lets talk till i come back with your body hehe, i was thinking that... if we could forge out two bodies into our clone ones, after all i kinda miss them both

    well bye!!!

    she wakes up

    Hakuru: ahh...... woah guess i dranked too much coffee, well after all i did made a promise didn't i? heh, i better keep moving then...

    she kept walking with her bag as she lokoed up at the sky

    Hakuru: its strange, i haven't seen the sun for quite awhile, is it just me, or does it change when i fight? hmph, that answer is still hidden somewhere

    she kept walking to North as she was about to get close to the BWF facilities

    Hakuru: hmm... alright! i've decided, i want to forge my body with my cloned one... it looks... pretty.... good... i kinda miss it, i wonder if Saya does too

    she starts to run and teleport on the way

    meanwhile to the BWF facilties she kept fighting and fighting

    Hakuru: TWO SLICE CUT!

    Guards: GAH!

    Hakuru: awww man! this isn't it!


    not that one!


    Hakuru: damn it! i've went everywhere in Japan and even so around Tokyo! these BWF facilties are too damn everywhere..... and besides i can't feel Saya's body anywhere in Japan

    hey Hakuru, get it together

    Hakuru: what...?

    Saya: its me Saya dumbass

    Hakuru: oh.... hey....

    Saya: my bodies not here, i know i can feel it too.... but.... I'm starting to feel somewhere.... underground... its like some system is blocking our senses

    Hakuru: what? so like the BWF has the technology to block our powers? s**t

    Saya: yeah... hey Hakuru bring my body back as soon as you can.... cause... i feel like going back to my lcone body too with my original body with it....

    Hakuru: oh.. you heard haven't you? guess we both missed it

    Saya: heh, yeah....

    Hakuru: you know this body is okay, but, its kinda hard to use or something

    Saya: really?

    Hakuru: well it is actually, at first i thought it would be just like a normal human body but it feels even more different than a human body

    Saya: I'm guessing our bodies are special then

    Hakuru: well wait till we try and forge our bodies into our clone ones, i wonder if.... it would work

    Saya: yeah.... you should turn to your demon form, Hinkyo might be able to dig her way through

    Hakuru: got it

    meanwhile under ground

    John: how long would it be?

    Scientist: not long sir, these clones will be unstoppable

    John: good, and Saya?

    Scientist: we're about to implant the drug in her soon sir

    John: excellent work then, proceed with the operation

    Scientist: yes sir!

    *soon... the BWF will be mine.... and mankind will bow to me....*


    John: what?

    Scientist: what the hell is that?!

    John: whats the situation?

    Radio: don't know sir! but... wait... I'm seeing something, its a little girl.... shes-


    John: so... she came....

    Hinkyo: DARK CUT!!!!

    Guards: GAH!



    Gaurds: BLAH!!!!!


    Hinkyo: Hakuru i'll lead the way!

    Hakuru: you don't have too! my brain can tell the way! its strange that i haven't even relised this sooner! but my bio system is liek a GPS or something!

    her eyes glowed red as she starts following the directions

    Hakuru: heh..... they're starting to close the doors.... Hinkyo lend me your power for a second

    Hinkyo: as you wish....


    Hakuru: YEEHAA!!!!!

    suddenly clones came in

    Hakuru: TOO EAS-

    the clones started dashing around her as they kneed her


    GAH! BLAH! AH!

    John: hello... Hakuru....

    Hakuru: mind telling me what the ******** is this?

    John: aren't you a bit young to say foul languages?

    Hakuru: shut the ******** up i can say the hell i want....

    John: fool.....

    Hakuru: the hell did you do to these clones?

    John: oh nothing much i just.... implanted them with special treatment, you could call it steroids

    Hakuru: heh..... well guess you really don't have to explain the details now, you just made them to super clones didn't you?

    John: yes... i guess you can say that.... we were about to implant them inside of Saya... trying to wake her up from her sleep

    Hakuru: no one touchs her as long as I'm still alive!

    John: you want me to tell you where she is?

    Hakuru: no need, i know where she is.....

    John: foolish one

    the clones started to circle around her as they started hitting her

    John: you can't stop them, even when your in your demon form

    Hakuru: ahh... *cough*cough*

    Hinkyo: damn it... i think they've disabled me too....

    Hakuru: damnn you.... whats your name...?

    John: my name... is John....

    Hakuru: i'll remember that name.... well....

    she started to stood up

    Hakuru: I'm gonna finish this..... quickly

    John: hm..?

    Hakuru: i can't control this power... but i guess i'll let it control us.... Hinkyo.... release... No.1

    Hinkyo: understood.......

    the red and black wind started to forge around them two as the two started to release black stuff around their bodies

    No.1: No.1 conplete..... initiate....


    John: what the-


    John: hmph, so.... the rumorus were true, that power that dwells within you....

    no.1: i... was created.... by these beings.... no.1 is just a givened name.... i only awake whenever there is a powerful being, when a being dies..... i am no one.....

    John: hmph, then i guess i should fight too....

    awaken from my slumber, Kurai......

    Kurai: ahh.... its been awhile....

    No.1: your still not dead...? women?

    Kurai: ahh..... its you Haku-

    No.1: I am not Hakuru, nor i am Hinkyo, i am.... no one....

    but you may call me, No.1

    Kurai: No.1? is that a givened name? very well i shall finish you....


    No.1: Reflecta Tsuki Shi

    Kurai: what?

    No.1: if i stay in this form too much, i'll may consume both or maybe the demon itself..... I'm going to finish you quickly....



    No.1: Shi cut

    (Death Cut)


    No.1 stops the kick as she kicked him off

    No.1: its finished..... and you women.... your next.....

    thats enough

    No.1: hm?

    Hakuru: shouldn't it be time that you go back to sleep?

    No.1: hm.... very well....

    she vanishs back to Hakuru as she lands on the ground

    Hakuru: just how the hell did you returned back to life? ah no matter, Hinkyo you okay?

    Hinkyo: yeah i am, unfortunately my powers were slowly weakening if we keep this up i maybe disappear forever, and that form will forever consume my life and become part of you

    Hakuru: yeah i know, sorry about that Hinkyo lets go!

    Kurai: aww come on darling!!!!!

    Hakuru: can you ******** off?! jesus crise! i gotta get Saya!

    she finds the door as she placed a C4 on

    Hakuru: ahh... I'm beat up....


    Hakuru: ahh.... there she is!

    she smiles as she ran and got her out of the test tube

    Hakuru: Saya!!!

    her red hair starts to touch onto her shoulders as she caught her

    Hakuru: i got ya! yo! this is mission complete! I'm coming home!

    Yukina: okay! but hurry! Rebecca's on a rampage! i think i've givened her the wrong meat!

    Yamota: its called Raw Meat!

    Yukina: that makes people violent!

    Hakuru: haha, yeah i'll come home soon, Hinkyo lets go.....

    Hinkyo: yeah.....

    they teleported back as they came home

    Hakuru: ahh....

    Yukina: Hakuru!

    Rebecca: Hakuru...?

    Hakuru: hey guys!! hey Saya... I'm home...

    Yukio: hey

    Yukina: oh your finally back

    Yukio: oh hey Hakuru, what happened to you? wait... is that... Saya?!!!!

    Kikio: alright!!!!

    Hakuru: sorry Kikio i think maybe next time you can take care of Saya cause....

    her and i... are gonna go back to our bodies again

    Yukio: hang on i'll-

    Hakuru: theres no need, Saya can actually back to her body all by herself, besides it s her body anyway isn't that right Saya/

    Saya: yeah.....


    she finally goes back to her original body slowly with the light shining around the room

    Rebecca: AH!

    Yamota: WOAH!

    Kikio: SAYA?!

    Hakuru: heh...

    the light finally vanishs

    Hakuru: welcome back.... Saya-san

    Saya: yeah... thanks... Hakuru

    she hugs her as both of them smiled

    Hakuru: see told ya i won't break a promise

    Saya: thank you....

    Hakuru: your welcome ^^ you owe me one though

    Saya: yeah... so? shall we get into our bodies

    Hakuru: well don't really know how to-

    Yukina: theres no need to how to "know" me and Yukio have the technology to do that

    Hakuru: heh... then lets go back then

    Saya: yeah but.... i let me see myself first

    Hakuru: ahh here

    she hands her the mirror and sees herself

    Saya: woah so this is me?

    Hakuru: you look pretty awsome

    Saya: thanks, so shall we? i missed it too

    Hakuru: yeah... hey after we go back, wanna head to the ebach?

    Yamota: the beach?

    Saya: yeah sure why not? never been to the beach before, besides i've always wanted to anyway ever since i was a kid

    Hakuru: heh, then lets go ^^ well Rebecca how about it?

    Rebecca: um sure!!

    Yamota: yeah sure i haven't been to the beach for three years now!

    Kikio: same same! Yamota and me are going to gather the others!

    Hakuru: sure, well then shall we?

    Saya: yeah

    To be continued

    Next Chapter: #5 Summer Beach

    woo! its been awhile! sorry guys had my internet tookened off from my brother! we've been so far progressing this story for three years! or was that two years? well anyways! its been great! anyways i hope you guys keep on enjoying my stories! my drawings been great too so some day I'm gonna bring this story into a new age of manga! anyways thanks!