• Adelaide Boudreaux didn't mean to die.

    She was just trying to be helpful, honestly. But it is a fact that if Adelaide had not died, Shane Ryan would not have half of the good fortune he has now.

    Excuse me, for I get excited to jump to the point. Let me take you back to the day when Adelaide was alive, in fact, it was the last day, Adelaide was alive.

    It was winter and the streets were being gifted a soft, white snow. Men and women were rushing by in their winter coats and things to keep them warm. And young Adelaide Boudreaux was ringing the bell for charity. "Help bring toys to the toy-less, this Christmas, folks!" She cheered. "You could in fact, be a key factor in bringing a smile to a child's face this Christmas!" But alas, she only ever got a few people to donate, for people in Wallusberg were quite the stingy type. She sighed once or twice but never lost spirit and definitely never lost hope.

    One rather average looking man, wearing a terribly miserable expression gave a whole two dollars to the charity. Adelaide actually missed that one triumph, for she had instead taken to walking up to the people of Wallusberg and asking personally for a donation instead of ringing a bell and shouting. One man she walked up to in particular was a tall man with buff arms and a terribly nasty expression upon his face. "Please sir, I must ask you to cheerfully donate to the children of Wallusberg this Christm--" And that was the end of Adelaide Boudreaux. . . What? You didn't see it coming? Was that too fast for you? Very well, let me put it all into more description.

    Adelaide Boudreaux had stepped into the path of a tall man with a particularly sour expression, she smiled hoping to express that she wished only to spread cheer to others. Where the man was actually heading was towards a rather average looking man who had dropped a whole two dollars into the charity bucket. Why? well, the reason was clear. To mug him, of course! If the man had two whole dollars to give up to some charity, surely he had extra money in that fat wallet of his! But this annoying girl ringing a bell in his face was just asking for it. The tall man's gaze left the average man and set on Adelaide. With a hand grasping the cool metal knife in his pocket, the tall man gave a nasty smile and as Adelaide was just finishing the word 'Christmas' , the man had stabbed her in the chest with his knife rather roughly, Adelaide had one fleeting glance at her murderer as he dashed away with the charity bucket before she fell to the ground and bled out.

    Shane Ryan, or better known to you as the average looking man that gave a whole two dollars to charity, had been saved that day by Adelaide, where he was meant to be mugged, Adelaide had died. And of course the murderous tall man didn't have a need to kill twice, so he let Shane Ryan escape into the crowds clueless to the disaster he had just avoided.

    Poor, poor Adelaide.