• The sun was shining in the towns market when it happen, we have heard of the stories of them, the monster's I mean, but we never seen them until it started raining; I was with my mom when it happen.

    The rain came fast and we didn't know why we just went on with our meaningless life… boy were we wrong. How many lives were lost that day, how many were turned and never given a choice in the matter? I do not know the answer to my own and others question.

    I guess I should explain as to what I am saying. On October 22 1905 was a bad day in human history. We were happy me and mommy and daddy even though they fight at times. Then it rain, dad said we needed to move it if we wanted to stay dry. We did not know of what lurked beyond the forest. As me and mommy and daddy ran for cover we heard screaming, we thought there were people who were afraid of thunder but it turned out to be monsters. "What was that?" My mommy asked my daddy, she was frightened by the screams she heard. "I do not know but it will be good." My daddy told her and me, he knew I was also frightened by this. "Father do you think it is a vampire?" I asked him out of fear for the stories to be true.

    Then we saw it with our own eyes as we ran to our home… funny it was the only place I knew at the time. We saw Mr. Heart and his wife of 20 years on the grown bleeding from the neck. "Oh my God, it was the vampires I know they did it." I said very loudly. I had no idea that their son was even around. "Poor Mr. And Mrs. Heart they did not want this to happen." My mommy said sadly, hoping their son was alive and not dead. "Mr. And Mrs. Reiter, Crystal run before they find you." We heard a voice say to us. "Shane, you're ok?" My daddy and I asked we were both worry about our friend. Shane looked over me and saw his parents.

    "Oh no, father, mother, why did they get you?" He asked no one but me. We both believed in vampires and werewolves and stuff like that, when he baby-sit me we would pretend we were those things, now we were right to believe in them. We knew what to do. "I do not know why the vampires this but they have Shane and I am sorry." I said sadly to him. Then we heard some one laughing at us. "So sorry for you're lost but I am still hungry and I think your kids maybe my next meal. How does that sound?" The voice said in a strange language. "What do you want?" My mommy asked the man, she didn't know what he had said but Shane did. "No, we will not become the next meal!" Shane shouted at the man. "Shane, what he has said?" My daddy asked. "He wills us to become his next meal." He replyed angrily. "Shane and Crystal take lead for them?" Shane nodded and we both ran. Behind us we heard my mommy and daddy screaming.

    "Mother, father…!" I screamed as we ran to the forest. All I could think about was my mommy and daddy's screaming for mercy and help from god. "We need to go back Shane, they need help!" I yelled at him. "Do you want to die at the hands of a vampire?"

    "No, Shane…"

    "Then we have to keep moving, ok?"

    "I am sorry to say that yes… And I am only for my parents' well-being."

    Shane smiled and pulled me into a hug, he knew I had a big heart and I was just worrying about my mommy and daddy. "How cute, the kiddies are hugging… Now who should I eat first the big guy or the little girl?" The man said in the strange language. "No, you will not eat, my beloved Crystal!" Shane soughed then he added "I will not allow it." "Ha try and stop me kid!" With that the man jumped on to Shane and starts hitting him. "Shane no please I'll do anything do not hurt him!" But my screams were not heard. Soon the fight ended and Shane was on the grown bleeding on the neck thanks to the man. "Shane will you live?" I asked wile chocking on my tears. "I do not know little friend, But when I die, then I'm sorry for leaving you alone in this world, You do not need that if I then drag threw I will take care of you…" Shane said with a sad yet kind voice. "Someone anyone please help us!" I yelled to anyone that was there and willing to help us. "Did you here that?" A new voice asked someone. "Yes, it sounded like a child crying for help." Another voice said. "Please help us!" I said to the two men that were coming closer. "Oh my gods Kurt get your a** over here, there's a little girl and a 17 year old boy here, the boy is bleeding by the neck!" A man said. This man had tri-color hair and sharp but kind crimson eyes. "Are you alright little one?" The man asked. I knew very little of the strange language. "Yes, I think so." I answer the best I could. "Kurt the child is alright. She is not hurt." I looked and saw his fangs. "VAMPIRE!" I screamed then ran to Shane's side. "Shane more vampires are here, what are they to do with us?" I asked him. Shane looked up at me and placed a wiry hand on my heard saying don't be afraid of them if they haven't hurt us. "Do not be afraid of us little girl, we will not hurt you two, but does this boy have a mother and a father?" Another vampire asked. "No, they will be together with my dead." I said sadly to them. "I do not understand, what has happen to them and what do you mean by you dead?" The Crimson eyed vampire asked.

    "Vampires came to our town and killed all those we know and love. We ran, and yet here was someone waiting for someone like me and Shane. If you want to help us, please save Shane?" I asked them both. "Do not worry little one, we will, the reason we asked that if he had a mom or a dad is because we have to turn him. We will take you with us because you have no one too, when you can be turned like Shane or die of old age, sound fare to you?" I looked up and saw nothing but kindness in his voice. "May I ask for your name's Sir?" The man smiled and pulled me into a hug. "You may call me Yami, and my friend over there with your brother is Kurt. What is your name little one?" I laughed and said "He is not my brother, and it is Crystal Rider sir."

    "Crystal, what does this man do to me?" Shane screamed at me. "Turn into a vampire I guess." I said back to him as I grabed his hand. "Do not worry child soon you will live again, I know that death is something that is unwelcome to you, your little friend will be with you as well she wasn't hurt when you fought off that rouged vampire, just relax and sleep." Kurt whisper to him. With that Shane fell asleep. And Kurt turned him into on of their own. "Now then, come Crystal we must go home now." Yami said to me, as if I was his daughter. "What about my mother and father we can not go see if they are still alive?" I asked them both. "No, who knows if Pegasus is in there and still killing more people." Yami said to me.

    At the time I didn't know who Pegasus was but now I do. I am happy that Yami and Kurt found us that day... I just wish I could find the man who killed my family so I can return the favor.

    I do miss them I really do but I know I have to let go maybe telling you this has helped me let go of my pain...