• "Grimla!" said my friend Sumomo. She wore long pigtails that reached her knees. Her hair was strawberry pink, blue eyes, peach skin, and was wearing the school uniform. A white button down shirt, pink tie, pink skirt, knee high white socks, and brown shoes. I was wearing the same thing of course but my hair was so long it reached my ankles, it was straight, and was dark purple and my eyes were bright purple, I always put on black lipstick, today was no exception. "Hey, Sumomo" I said as she approached me. "Hey, hey, guess what?" she asked. Right now we were at my desk in the classroom, almost 5 minutes before school started. My seat was in the last row next to the window. "What is it?" I asked. "Our class is getting a new student, wanna know the stats?" she asked. I shrugged "Okay, If it'll make you happy" I answered. "He has brown hair, green eyes, peach skin, artistic, smart, strong, super cute, and obviously our age. Do you think he would go out with me?" she asked me dreamily. I shrugged "I don't know, maybe" The bell rang and Sumomo took her seat in front of me. Our teacher came in and she took her place in frount of her desk. "Good morning class." she said. She had short wavy blond hair, blue jeans, white shirt, white sneakers, brown eyes, skinny body, and peach skin. "Morning Mrs.Hiizumi" we all said. "Well today we have a new student. Come in." Mrs.Hiizumi said. The boy came in, he looked exactly like Sumomo described him, and my heart beat fast. He scanned the room and his eyes rested on me, he blushed, seeing him blush, I did. I looked away and Mrs.Hiizumi said "Well, Sasuke, you can sit next to Grimla scince that's the only seat left in the classroom." Sasuke blushed as he came and sat down in the desk next to me. Morning classes finished and it was time for lunch. I took out my bento box from inside my desk. Sumomo came over to my desk so we could go to the roof for lunch, but then she did something unexpected. "Sasuke, do you want to have lunch with me and Grimla?" Sasuke looked at me, blushed and nodded. Other girls looked at us and gave us disgusted and mean whispers. Sumomo took Sasuke's hand and took him to the roof while I followed closely behind. I sat on the small bench-like cement directly next to the fence. Sasuke sat so close to me by accident, we were blushing so hard, you would mistake our heads for cherries. Sumomo came by and noticed our faces. "Awww, how cute!" she said. Aww, man. This isn't good. I thought.

    Next. Grimla's forbidden love 2