• "Why? Why did you put me in this world only to feel pain? Do you hate me that much?" I ask myself in the mirror. "Who am I? Who am I to say that you don't want me dead."
    "I don't want you dead, I want you to live, to feel the pain and sorrow I've gone through. But watch your step because I promise, make one wrong step and you'll trip into an ever-lasting nightmare!" I woke up. My whole life was already a nightmare.
    As I was walking i heard people laughing at me say things like, 'Eww, look at her' 'What is that?' and 'Such a creature doesn't belong in this world'. I just kept walking. As I walked past these two seventh graders, one stuck out there foot and tripped me into a pile or mud. "Freshly made, how does it taste?" The seventh graders laughed and walked away. I couldn't stand my class, the students hate me the guys didn't like me and the girls looked down at me. Even the teacher didn't like me. "Okay class, time to take a test. And this time Ms. Simms, don't screw up." The teacher said with a grim smile. Everyone laughed. "Excuse me Mrs. Lian, but why do you say such things? I mean, such a teacher should know how to address someone 'screwing up'. Like oh, I don't know, 'Try to do better this time'? Trust me, My father owns this school so I recommend you don't screw up." Susan, the school's most richest kid pointed out. "Hmph.. Try to do better this time." Mrs. Lian said in an uneasy voice.
    "Thanks?" I said to Susan after school. "Don't talk to me!" She turned to me and slapped me. "Who do you think you are talking to a girl like me? You had better watch your self! I can make your life a nightmare!!"
    Tonight wen I went to sleep I had a dream that I had killed myself.. That same morning, I didn't wake up.