• There was two kids Meg and Claire they both loved adventures well one day while they were walking around town they walked bye the old town mansoin it had been abandon for almost 60 years now they liked walking by it they didnt know why there was just somthing weird about it.
    Now Meg and Claire were curious girls at one point they went on a adventure under the sea to find buried treasure in a long lost cave that used to be known as Cave of the Loot.
    But today they go on a better adventure little did they know it would be there greatest.
    Well as always they were walking past the old town mansoin when they heard click click now to them they thought o probley a old clock untill they were at they next street,click click.
    They looked at each other then towards the old mansion when they looked down the street at it they heard it but now it sounded like it was coming from the mansoin again they ran back to the old mansion and stood at the front to find when no when else was around the door slowly opened as they got in the door slammed behind them!They looked around to see coffins lots and lots of coffins they stand horrified to see the coffins slowly open as mummys climbed out then they saw a desk with a book, Meg slowly walked over there and looked down at the book to find the cover with a note hooked to it she slowly opend it it said:To the lucky people who come with courage and bravery this may look like just a old mansoin but its a dream I guess you could say anything you want you can have think of a sword a sword appears
    signed Mr. as Meg trys to read the writing its just no use the letters have worn away.
    Claire!(shouted Meg)Anything you can think of u can have!As claire thinks hard what can destroy a mummy?She doesnt know as the mummys are almost there she thinks rocks?Eh as she grabs the rocks amd throws them at the mummys the mummys throw them back at her.
    Claire shouts Meg think! I'm trying says Claire. thats it says Claire as she throws vampires at the mummys.
    Then they hear it again,click click.They run to the sound through a door as they both realize there both hungry they both think light switch and bang Light turn on WOW! says Meg were in a feast room hey theres fresh food Claire says.What asks Meg how?They both shrug and start eating until bang! The lights turn off on they fall and fall and fall.
    And....Sorry folks i have to stop writing if you can find a way to add me as a friend i will have time somtime to tell you more of the story:].