• This is a story of young Nicole "Nicky" Coleman. She has a choice of doing what's right and having a strong mind or doing what's wrong ans risking EVERYTHING. Chapter one focuses on the flashbacks of the very start.

    The Conflict's story

    I remember very clearly. The start of this problem. The whole horror just waited for me, i guess, to unwrap it and begin the long journey of these hardships and struggling. One wrong thing kept coming after me, one, after one, after one. I wonder what path i would've token if i hadn't did it, hadn't tried to act all "Cool" while hiding my true saddened face. Well let's see. . I think i'll start from the very beginning of things.

    Introduction to life

    Born August 15, 1995 in the very nice comfort of a cold hospital room. My mother had me when she was only 18. I guess the troubles were passed down from her to me. She wasn't ready for a baby. She could of gotten rid at me when she found out about the pregnancy, which was too later after the baby making. Honestly I have no idea why she kept me and didn't give me up. I can tell you it would've been much easier to live her life, i mean, instead of going to parties with her friends she had to stay home and take care of her baby. Did my dad and stay to take care of me? Of course not. What teen dad would anyways? It's usually like that anyways, you get the hot chick, screw her, leave her with the bundle of "Joy" and then hit the road.

    Well getting back on topic. . .I was born in August, the late summer and beginning of school year. I was raised back and forth between my mother and Grandmother. Yes I was taken very well care of and it seemed very good, until the day Mom met Jeff.

    Jeff apparently was the nice guy who would take care of what was left of a broken family and tended to it's wounds. He had a head full of hair, black, and a buffed out body. Mom went for the young type of guy. Apparently that was true because Jeff was only 25. ( compared to mom, they were 10 years apart ) After all the lovey-dovey stuff we'd all get along and live happily ever after, The End. Except. . That wasn't the end. It was just the start of ALL the horrid things to happen next.

    After the marriage between Jeff and mom, Jeff moved in to our small house in the suburbs. At first we got along good, occasional "Good mornings" and "Hellos". But I should of known the truth behind of the kisses good mornings that crept from my cheek to my lips. Things began getting worse when mom got the new nurse job at the hospital. Late nights and long days passed by. The mornings started to annoy me and i didn't even want to stay for breakfast.

    After mom left for work and I was still in the house, you guessed it, I was sexually abused. The Good morning kisses were on the lips and if i was at the counter reaching for something in the cupboard, Jeff would just come up on to me and rub his hardness against my butt, but helped me get the stuff I needed. I would've pushed him away but i was afraid to get hit. If it was one thing in life that I cared about it would be my face. I took very good care of it so that I wouldn't get teased about pimples or a mustache.

    It was this one particular day. I felt it surge through my veins, the nervousness overcame my body. I knew something would happen today. Not necessarily good, well, not good at all. It was bad, horrid, TERRIBLE. It started with a good morning kiss from mom then after she left out the door, I was right in her shadow until Jeff stopped me.

    "Where do you think your going?" he said in his low husky voice. "Out. To school." I said in my high-pitched sarcastic voice. "Well not yet. Why don't i drive you there, Nicky?" He smirked and grabbed hold of my hand, i slipped it out of his grip and stepped back a bit, confused. "Now, now. Don't be sassy. Come to daddy Nicole. . " I felt the terror scream through EVERY edge in my body. I tried to get away but his muscular arms overtook my body and had it in a grip that i couldn't get out of. He started to stare into my hazel eyes and then he brushed back my crimson red hair. He gently touched my neck and then started to suck on it. To be honest, I liked it. I loved the feeling of it. He had me in his trance and it was different from the movies. Where the stepfather RAPES the girl but Jeff. . . he gently played with my emotions. Tugging on my strings.

    After he removed his lips from my neck, He looked me back in the eyes and wiped my flowing tears away. The next I knew was that he started to rub my legs, softly, gently and then zippers started to unzip and the hardness came out of it's shell.

    "Are you ready to get the life stolen from you?"