Chapter One
Years After The Shadow's Fall
Two hundred years after the shadow's fall, the world has been in an everlasting peace. But the woman's worst fear will soon come true. In a small town hidden by the Markel-Idise Mountain Range, the beginning of the end has began under everyone's noses. On the outskirts of the town of Islola, two friends were praticing their battle skills. One was leaned up againist a tree while the other stood in the clearing stomping her feet. Raven had long jet black hair and striking deep blue eyes. She wore short shorts, a black bra, long black zipper boots, black gloves, and on her shoulders was a long black trench coat. Her friend, Ivye, had long bright green hair pulled back into a low ponytail and green eyes. She wore a short jacket, fingerless brown gloves, short skort, brown stockings, and brown metal decorated boots.
"COME ON!!!! It's no fair!!! I don't understand why they won't let us become Town Guardians. We are both seventeen now and we have pratice FOREVER!! It's all your fault Raven, your to weak. That's why nobody takes me seriously." Raven stood up from the tree and walked over to Ivye.
"Hey don't pin this rap on me. It's obvious that we're not ready for the responsiblity." She pulled out her wooden sword and pointed it at Ivye."Until then, I guess we continue to pratice. Get ready Ivye! Here I come!" Ivye pulled out her wooden twin daggers and block her strike. Ivye jumped back and charged at her. Raven slid to the side and countered with an upward slash. Unable to block the strike, Ivye was hit by the strike and fell backwards. Raven pointed her sword at Ivye."If that was a real fight, you would be dead now." Raven put away her sword and helped Ivye off the ground."So, who is the weak one now?" Raven wore a smug smile across her face.
"You.. you.. you just got lucky. I... I let you win that one. Just so you wouldn't feel bad." Ivye dusted off her skort.
"Sure you did." Raven's voice was laced with sarcasm. "And I'm sure you let me win the last four battles last time, huh?"
"Yeah I did. I wanted to make sure you didn't get left out, that's all. Wipe that smug smile off your face."
"What are you laughing about?"
"Hehehehe. You. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Raven fell to the ground and rolled on the ground while she laughed.
"Stop laughing! I'll kill you!" Ivye dived towards her, landing beside her and started to wrestle with her. Soon Ivye began to laugh with her."Hehehehe-HAHAHAHAHA!!" The two laughed on the ground for what seemed like forever. Finally Raven stoped laughing to catch her breath. Raven stood up and dusted off her clothes. She help Ivye off the ground and tried to calm down. As the two dusted their clothes, the town bell rang."Oh no! The town bell! Come on Raven! We'll be left outside the town if we dont get down there now!" The wind started to pick up as Ivye started to run down to the town. Raven started to chase after her when she heard something in the wind.
"Well now, aren't you two just chummy."
"Whose there? This better not be a joke." She could tell that the voice was grinning from ear to ear.
"Finally! Someone hears me. You numbnuts better not make me wait any longer. Hehe" The hair on Raven's neck stood on end as the voice disappeared. Raven ran as she fast as she could towards the town. The voice's words swam through her head.'You numbnuts better not make me wait any longer.' She ducked through some vines as headed towards the town.'What that voice mean by better not make it wait any longer? I don't get it.' As Raven saw the town gate, Ivye was there waiting for her.
"What took you so long? They about shut the door without you. Come on now. Let's headed over to the fountain, Raven."
"You know Ivye.I'm exhausted from training today. I need to turn in early. I'll meet up with you at the gate tomorrow for a training session."
"Alright. Night Raven." Ivye headed towards the fountain. Raven started to walk home to her house. Raven grabbed her house key and unlocked her front door. She shut the door behind her, locking it. She took of her trench coat and tossed it on the couch. She walked up the stairs and through the second door on the right. She belly flopped on her bed and laid her head on her pillows. She thought of the voice that spoke to her a few minutes ago.
"Where did that voice come from? What did it want from me?" She felt her skin quiver as she thought of the smiling voice."Creepy. I'll find out someday." She grabbed the covers and cralwed under the sheets. She closed her eyes, hoping to forget the voice and it's creepy smile.
In her dreams, a shadowy figrue stood over her. She tried to get up but her body won't budge.
"Well now, it's seems you can here my voice."
"Who the hell are you!? What do you want from me!?"
"You'll find out all in do time. Until then, enjoy your last moments on this earth. Hehehehe."
Raven sat up as she was jolted out of her sleep. Her body was drenched in sweat. She hands clenched the sheets as she tried to recall what had happen. She remembered the dream she had last night.'What the hell he mean by enjoying my last moments?' She remembered about meeting up with Ivye at the gate today.
"s**t! I'm late! Better hurry!" Raven ran down the stairs and grabbed her coat. She burst out the door shutting the locked door behind her. Ivye stood in front of the gate, tapping her foot on the ground. Raven ran up to Ivye, panting heavily.
"Your late Raven. That's not like you. Maybe your were exhau.... exh... exauh?" Ivye put her hand on her forehead, trying to remember the word she was looking for.
"Don't you mean exhausted, Ivye?"
"Yeah, yeah that word. We better headed out now. Come on." Ivye headed out the gate and went towards the pratice field. Raven walked close behind her to the field. The voice's words swam through her head as she walked towards the field. As they entered the field, Ivye turned around and faced Raven."What is up with you today? It's like your head is stuck in the clouds." Raven kept on thinking, not hearing what Ivye said. Ivye put her face two inches from Raven's face."Hello? Are you even listening to me?" Raven snapped out of her daze and looked at Ivye.
"Oh sorry. I was just thinking was all. Now, what were you saying again." Ivye put one hand on her hip and the other on her face. She sighed heavily as she mover her hand away from her face.
"Do I have to repeat myself now? Alright fine. What I said was that you havent been-" Her voice was cut off by a sudden gust of wind. She kept talking but Raven couldn't hear her.
"She's not to bright is she?" The voice came out of nowhere just like the wind. Raven was spooked by the sudden appearance by the voice."I thought I told you not to make me wait any longer. Hurry up and get your lazy a** over here!" Raven ran towards the sound of the voice. Ivye watched Raven take off in some ramdom direction.
"Hey! Wait for me, Raven!" Ivye followed behind Raven as she ran through the woods. Raven continued to run towards the voice until she reached a small stone ruins on the foot of the mountain. Raven stoped in her tracks when she saw the ruins. When Ivye caught up to her and spinned kicked her in the back of the head. Raven was sent flying forward into the ruins and tumbled into a statue. Raven sat up and turned towards Ivye.
"What the hell was that for!? What I do to you!?" Ivye stomped her feet into the ground as she walked up to her.
"What the hell is wrong with you!? What's with running off on me!? Have you completely lost your mind!? Maybe I kicked some sense to you!" Ivye looked up at the statue and her face showed some concern."Hey Raven. I think we should get out of here. I mean, this statue gives me the creeps. Let's get going. Now!" Raven stood up and got a good look at the statue. It was a statue of a young woman holding a mage's staff high in the air. Her other hand was placed on an onyx blade the was stuck in stuck in the statue pedistal. The blade had a long grip. The guard had three small round red gems in it. The blade itslef had an ancient silver writing on it. The entire blade was made of onyx. Something compelled Raven to grab hold of the blade. Raven reached her hand out to grab the blade. Ivye grabbed Raven's arm and started to pull her back to the town."Don't Raven. I got a bad feeling about this. We're not suppose to be here. Come on."
Raven yanked her arm away from Ivye."What is your proplem, Ivye? It's just a sword in the statue's hand. I was going to see if it was real or not. If you don't like being here then go back to the field. I am going to check out this onyx blade before leaving." Raven turned around and tried to remove the blade from the statue's hand. Ivye stayed where she was.'I have got to stop her before something bad bappens.' But before Ivye could act, Raven yanked the blade out of the statue's hand. Raven fell backwards as the force of that final pull on the blade. Raven stoode up with the blade in her hands. She turned toIvye and smiled."See nothing ha-' Before she could finish her sentence, she was over come by a black swirling cloud gathering around her feet. The voice from before appeared out of nowhere.
"Hehehehe-HAHAHAHAHA!!! Holy crap! That took forever! You need to pick up the pace, lazy a**!" She could tell the voice had an evil grin on his face."So your my sacrificial lamb. Hmm... soft around the edges but defiantly got potential. I finally got a body to call my own!" Hehehe-Hahahahaha-" The voice's laughter was cut off by some white lettering surround Raven and the blade."Damnit to hell. Forgot about the seal." A black light went from the onyx blade to Raven. After the light hit Raven, the white lettering swirled into Raven. Raven collasped to the ground, unconscious and still held the sword in her hand. Ivye ran to her side and shook her roughly.
"Hey Raven! Wake up! Raven wake up! Wake up!" Ivye's voice got quieter and quieter until her voice could not be heard. Raven slipped into a dream as Ivye continued to try and wake her up.
Raven awoke with a young guy standing over her. Just like her dream last night, she couldn't not move her body.The young guy had a short dull silver hair and dull dark blue eyes. He wore a sleeveless light grey shirt with white strapes in front, dark grey pants, black boots, double bands on each wrist, and a black and red floating device on his shoulders. He leaned down in front of her, making eye contact with Raven.
"Damn, that took forever. I can't wait to break into my new body."
"Who the hell are you?"
"Who me? Well I'm just the most hardcore a**-kicker ever to walk the planet is all. Master of Death. God of Destruction. Commander of the World Eaters. But hell, you can call me Gig."
"What do you want from me?"
"I haven't done anything yet but I feel right at home. What you still don't get it? I'm taking over your body stupid!"
"You mean.. you're going to kill me!?"
"Kill you? Nah, that be to easy. What will happen is your soul will just... disappear. Then I can beat this meat puppet to hell til I'm done with it. HAHAHAHAHA!! Now give me dominion over your body."
"Hell no. You can go die in a ditch somewhere for all I care. I wont give you my body for anything!"
"Damnit I knew that you would be a pain in the a**." Gig let a heavy sigh and placed his hand on the side of his head."OK, here's the deal." He placed his hands in his pockets."I stay here in this body with you and you will have the tinist sliver of my power. But what if you need even more power? That's when you give me call. I can give you all the powers of a god, for a price. The more of my power you use, the more control I gain over your body. You scratch my back, I crush yours. Pretty sweet, huh?"
"I don't need your power to fight. I can handle on my own."
"Fine if you say so. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me. I'll be waiting my little soulmate."
Raven awoke with Ivye by her side, her hands placed on Raven's arm. Raven's body was numb and heavy as if she was sleeping for years.
"Hey you woke up. Are you going to be okzy, Raven?" Ivye helped Raven off the ground.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need some sleep is all." Raven grabbed the onyx blade and sheathed the blade. Raven and Ivye slowly made their way back to the clearing. As they entered the clearing, a few of the members of the town were in the clearing. One man took a few steps towards them.
"Where have you two been? The entire town has been looking for you. You two better have a go-" He stop talking as he saw the onyx blade in Raven's sheath. Many of the people stepped back as they cowarded in fear at the sight of the blade. The man pointed at the sword, his arm shaking furiosly."Wh..where did yo... you get that sword." The man's voice shook with fear. Raven looked down at the blade that was strung by her side. She looked back up at the townsfolk.
"I found it in a ruin of the foot of the mountain. It was in the statue's hand and a pulled it out. Is something wrong with this sword.'Well of course there something wrong with it. I was sealed in it, you dumbass!' Raven was surpised by Gig's voice. The man walked over to them.
"You have to see M'lady now, before that evil being gets loose." The man grabbed Raven by the arm and pulled her to the town. Once through the town gates, the man pulled raven towards M'lady's manor. Raven looked back at Ivye who was being held back. Raven yanked her arm away form him.
"I am not setting one foot in without Ivye!" The man looked at Raven, then at Ivye. He waved his hand towards Ivye and the people stepped out of Ivye's way.
"Very well, but I hope you know what you are doing." The man lead them towards M'lady's manor. He knocked on the door in a tune. Then from inside the house came the same back at them. He opened the door and lead them inside."M'lady is waiting for you in her grand room, go." The man stayed outside and shut the door. Raven looked down the hallway to see a huge set doors waiting for them.
"Well, we better not keep her waiting, can we? Let's go." Raven and Ivye began to walk towards the huge doors.'I don't see why you're through all the trouble. I say kill them all off quick.' "Never going to happen." Raven kept her voice down so Ivye would not hear her.'Tch. Come on, don't be a*****e. It's like you don't want me to have fun.' "Exactly." When Raven and Ivye reached the grand room doors, they were almost ants compared to the doors.
"You may enter." The voice came from inside the grand room. Ivye looked at the doors with a shocked expression.
"How does she excepted us to open these huge doors?" At that moment on the bottom right side of the left door, a small door opened up into the room. Ivye wore a stupid expression on her face."Okay.... that's wierd." Raven and Ivye entered the grand room. The grand room had many windows letting in the bright, warm sunlight. Pillars lined the walls leading down the end of the room. At the end of the room stood a elegent chair. In the chair sat a young woman. The woman had long curly chestnut brown hair and light green eyes. She wore a long elegent black dress, flower pin, pearl drop earrings, black high heels, and a black hairband with flowers hanging off it. She lifted her hand and beckoned them towards her. Raven and Ivye walked towards the woman. When they stood a few feet away, she placed her hand on her lap. She looked at the onyx blade the hung on Raven's waist.
"Let me introduce myself. I am Lady Ilene, the sixth royal mage of the country, Markel. It seems you have claimed the onyx blade and it's burden, Raven. I was hoping to prevent you from finding the onyx blade before you were ready. But it seems that you have played a major role in your early release, Gig." The woman had a candle placed beside where Raven stood. The woman raised her hand and her hand raised the candle flame rose as well. Then she brought her hand, the flame came down. From where the flame was, a image of Gig was left behind. Ivye looked over at the image and was scared by it.
"WAHHHHHH!!!! What is that, thing!? Is it a ghost? Is that the thing that was in the sword?"
"What the hell you calling a thing!? I could kill you for that! I am-"
"You are Gig, Master of Death and God of Destruction, correct? I have heard alot about you through my master. You are the one to cause our world to become the pitful state it's in.You and your World Eaters are making our world suffer so."
"Yeah that's right and it would have been destroyed long ago if only-"
"If only Lady Layna had sealed you away in that sword two hundred years ago. But, maybe she could have rid the world of you before if only she had not died that day." Ivye's face was confused from the conversation.
"Okay you lost me there. What are you two talking about? What is that thing in Raven? Who's Lady Layna?" Lady Ilene chuckled softly at Ivye's questions.
"I guess I better tell you two now. The story of Lady Layna and her attempt to seal Gig away for all eternity."
- by Rose Bloodlust |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/05/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Raven and the World Eater Ch1
- Artist: Rose Bloodlust
- Description: The first chapter of Raven and the World Eaters. Enjoy!
- Date: 09/05/2010
- Tags: raven world eater
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Comments (1 Comments)
- ThetaNine - 09/29/2010
- i like it could u pm me to tell me if u have the next chapter done
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