Another year, another dollar lost.

    .:{{Arisa's Perspective}}:.

    I sat on one of the couches in Matsuda and Orihime's living room and Midori-chan--our "creator"--sat on the couch parallel to me, "So, Midori, how's the new job going?"

    "I love it!" she exclaimed. "But I hate crappy guests." She then pouted.

    "You're telling me," I rolled my eyes. "One of my customers slipped roofies into my drink."

    "Did what?" Kai entered the living room.

    "Nothing," I rolled my eyes again; Kai still never knew about that.

    So Midori was back for the two-year anniversary of when she created our story officially. Of course, Kai was as exuberant as ever--exuberant as in miserable. Kira was beyond joyous; he loved company, as did Takeuchi.

    "I can make Kai adore me," Midori scoffed. "Why did I have to make him such a douchebag?"

    "I don't know, but he's cute," I swooned. "You did good on that part."

    "But she did better on me," Kira struck a pose in front of the unlit fireplace with his shirt unbuttoned. "Don't ask how many times I've been stared at by girls."

    Midori tried to hold in her laughter, "May I ask how many times you've been raped by girls?"

    Kira dropped his shoulders and started fake sobbing, "That is no laughing matter!" he put the back of his hand to his forehead. "Those positions they come up with are heinous!"

    "So, Midori," I started, "how much longer do you think it will be until this story is over?"

    "Believe it or not," she frowned, "I hope I don't make it past two hundred chapters. It's getting too long."

    "So is Kai, finally!" Kira did a pelvic thrust and I blushed heavily.

    Kai punched Kira in the chest, "Do you mind?"

    "Now that you've made Kai and Arisa do it, what's next?!" Takeuchi panicked, dashing into the room with flailing arms.

    "I make your lives full of misery and woe!" Midori laughed maniacally.

    "I quit!" Takeuchi stomped his foot. "You're mean!"

    Midori quickly threw a dog treat at Takeuchi and he instantly caught it with his mouth. He dropped onto the ground and started chewing on it, grinning happily and completely forgetting about "quitting" the story. Midori leaned back and stretched, yawning and groaning loudly.

    "I'm so happy to be out of that lousy Catholic school," she scratched her head. "I was on the verge of combustion."

    "Too bad it couldn't have happened sooner," Kai scoffed.

    Midori pointed an evil finger at him, "Keep that up and I'll remove your manhood so you can't bang Arisa anymore,"

    "Nooooooo!!" I panicked and jumped up onto my feet. The room fell to instant silence and my face color was nearly matching the wooden end tables. I seated myself and glared at Midori. "You made me do that."

    "Actually, I didn't," she raised her eyebrows. "You would know if I made somebody do something." In an instant, Kai ripped his shirt clean off and shook his hair around and sparkles fell around him. Midori pointed at him. "Like that."

    Kai stared in confusion for a long moment before he glared at Midori, "Goddammit, woman!"

    "Two years of making this story is such a long time," Orihime came in. "And you haven't even drawn any of it?"

    Midori shrugged, "I've drawn several pages--a lot more, actually. But they either don't turn out right or I think of something else to draw for that page or I get loaded with work and homework."

    "And I understand you're going to college next year?"

    "Yep!" she cheered. "I just got accepted at my first choice--on my first try too."

    "At least somebody in this household is going to college," Kira scoffed and chuckled. "I personally want to be a gynecologist."

    "Okay, Kira, you're not that perverted," Midori frowned. "I should have made you gay."

    Kira thought for a moment, "But that would make me even more loved!"

    Midori frowned more, "Just go bang Chi and we'll be cool,"

    "But Chi is my best friend!" I panicked. "Don't make her suffer through such torture!" I dramatized.

    "Kira hasn't gotten any in as long as Kai has; chill." she laughed. "Don't you think it's Chi's turn?"

    "They don't even like each other like that," I pouted. "Chi is still afraid of Vampires."

    "Who would be afraid of this?" Kira removed his shirt completely and slowly shook his hair, as Kai did earlier.

    I looked over at Midori, "Are you making him do that?"

    "Hell no; that's Kira." she stared wide-eyed at him. "Dear Lord, why did I ever birth him?"

    I sat with one eye twitching. Both Kai and Kira were shirtless; Kai's was unintentional and Kira's was intentional. I personally didn't know which motive was more attractive.

    "Ehh, if you're going to do that, please go into the other room," Midori waved me away. "I'll make sure your condom breaks."

    "Yay, I'll be an uncle!" Takeuchi bounced around with his hands up.

    "If anything, Matsuda and Orihime need kids first," Midori eyed them with a raised eyebrow and a grin.

    "These children are enough to handle," Orihime sighed and frowned, referring to Kai, Kira, Takeuchi and possibly me. "We would need them to depart first."

    "I could just kill them all," Midori suggested nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. "Starting with Kai."

    "Goddammit, woman, why did you have to come by?!" Kai exclaimed. "Go home!"

    "Don't make me go back!" she panicked dramatically and fell to Kai's feet. "It's a dramatic crazy house in there!"

    "It's not any better here!" Kai shouted back, trying to push her away with his foot.

    "Y-you do care," Midori cried falsely.

    "Who wants to listen to some classic Elton John?!" Kira waved a CD in the air.

    Midori squealed and jumped onto her feet, "Gimme!!"

    Takeuchi sighed and pat my shoulder as Midori tried to wrestle Kira for the CD, "Well, you've lost your innocence. But what the hell are we supposed to do about her?"