• Professor Luke J. Willson was a famous archeologist traveling across sea on his way to Egypt when he came across an uncharted island. The fog made it hard to see it was a miracle the professor could even see the island it was for this reason that the professor thinks it might just be his eyes playing a trick on him, never the less the professor decided to go to the island and explore. Once he got closer he noticed a carving of a head above the thick jungle. As the professor arived on the island he turned to his crew and said "You can stay on the ship i won't be gone long" and then the professor set off into the jungle. The professor's main goal was to find that temple he saw on his way to the island because that could be the main clue of who lived here. Then the thought popped into his head that maybe there still were people living here he knows nothing about the island and niether does anyone else. Well that is of course if the island is abandoned. After hours of walking the professor found the temple he was looking for. He noticed something as soon as he got there, the stone of the temple was unlike any stone he had seen before. He examined the stone closer and it felt like metal but it wasn't metal for sure. He walked around the temple hoping to find an entrance. He searched for hours without success, when he was about to give up he saw a rectangle hole in the ground he walked up to it and looked inside, he saw some stairs made out of the same stone as the temple so he started to walk down. At the bottom it was brighter than he expected the walls were lined with lit torches, this made him think for sure there were people living here somewhere. He walked down the only hallway for several hours until he reached the end and all that was there was a stone block about his hight with two antennas coming out. As he looked close he sees four knobs and numbers above each knob the numbers were in the order 2 0 1 0. The professor thought it must just be coincidence that the number was the same as the year. The professor turned one of the knobs over one so that it said 2 0 1 1. Suddenly the two antennas began to glow a white light the object looked thousands of years old so he was amazed what it could do and not only that but he was amazed that it still worked!! But after the light faded nothing else happened the professor thought that maybe it didn't work. After that the professor decided to go back to his ship so the crew didn't worry because he had been gone almost the entire day. As the professor got back to the beach the boat was gone. The professor knew his crew wouldn't just abandon him unless they were going for a search party, But even then they wouldn't go get one because he was gone for a day, a week maybe but not a day for sure. Since the boat was gone the professor decided to see if he could find any human life on the island, as he was exploring he found a small town made out of the same stone as the temple, the buildings ,like the temple, were unharmed but looked as if they have collected dust for thousands of years. All the buildings were exactly the same, each one was a rectange home with 2 windows and a door, of course since these buildings are ancient they don't have opening and closing doors and windows, the windows and doors are nothing more than square rectangles in the houses. but then he encountered a building much larger than the others, it was the same hight as the others but it stretched out over miles. There were no windows so the professor thought it would be dark but like the temple the walls were lined with torches, and the room was filled with square rocks like the one in the temple except these ones didn't have antennas these ones just had stones that were as thin as paper stacked on top of eachother, and then attached together like books. The professor walked up to the one in front and then noticed some writing on the stone it was in a language he did not regonize, he picked up the book and looked through it he noticed in the book the rock felt like paper while on the temple it felt like metal and how the knob felt like plastic, he wondered what kind of stone this was. As he was looking through it he noticed a map of the island and there were one big square and a ton of smaller squares he guessed the larger square was the temple and that the smaller squares were the houses like the ones outside. He put the book down and walked up to a different one, he noticed on the stone this time the writing was in Chinese he picked it up and noticed that it was exactly the same except the words were in chinese instead of the language from the first book. He thought there might be one in english then, he put the book back on the stone and continued to look for one in English. After a few hours of searching he found one it was labeled "North American English 2011". Then he thought for a second. It wasn't 2011 it was 2010 and the English in the book was recent too. The professor was confused these buildings looked thousands of years old but this book was labeled North American English 2011, how could someone from thousands of years ago know how English evovled up to 2011? And not only that but it was 2010. Then he said to himself "Of course the 2010 must be right next to this one" so he puts the book down and looks at the one next to it. That book was labeled "England English 2011" so the professor looked to the other side of the one he looked at before and yet again it was labeled "2011". The professor was confused, he looked at book after book each one that he could read had the numbers 2011. He gave up on looking and just went back to the North American English and looked through it. And once he got to the page with the map he stopped. He noticed the temple was named The Temple of Time which made him wonder if that device he saw in it warped him through time. He thought that was absurd and tossed the thought away, time travel was not possible or at least not by a rock and some dials. The professor tried to find a different explanation but he couldn't think of anything else, but he would not believe time travel is possible without a rocket that's able to travel at lightspeed. As much as he tried though he couldn't find an explanation. He put the book in his backpack and continued. He decided to go back to the temple and put the dial back to how it was when he got there then if his ship was back then he would believe that he traveled through time. The walk back to the temple was calm, nothing happend the weird thing was there were no animals on the island, just a thick jungle, the professor questioned this because everything seemed good for animal life. When the professor reached the temple he went inside and down the long hallway. He tried to turn the dial back from 2011 back to 2010, but the knob wouldn't move. He tried to move it forward and it wouldn't move that way either. He tried again to push it back to 2010 but once again he couldn't move it. He then thought it must have something to do with the head statue on top of the temple. So he walked out and looked at the head. He couldn't see anything at first glance, so he started climbing the temple. As he got to the top he noticed something in the head's eyes. It was just another piece of the same stone, but it was different somehow most people would just think its normal, the professor though decided to look a little closer he noticed that the eyes weren't connected to the rest of the head so he took one of them off it felt like paper just like the books. then he looked back at the head. There was a strage red gem in the eye where he had peeled off the stone covering. He knew the gem had something to do with the time travel device. He guessed it had something to do with the sun. It was a new moon tonight and the sun was setting so whatever he had to do he would have to wait till tomorrow. He decided to go back to the town and sleep there. Once he got there he walked into one of the houses and saw a bed, it was made of stone just like everything else so he walked over to it and sat down on it. To his surprise it was soft, it felt exactly like a bed, he thought after that that he shouldn't have been surprised considering that every stone here had a different texture. He went to sleep and decided to find out about the temple tomorrow. He went back to the temple the next day, and his first thought was to try to activate it again, so he walked down the hallway for the 5th time and unfortunatly this time was useless the knobs wouldn't turn. So he climbed up to the head again and tried to see what it was looking at, He didn't see what it was meant to look at but he did see something. He saw a boat passing by the island, he got down from the temple and ran towards the beach as fast as he could!! By the time he got there the boat was gone, he could still see it leaving but it is to far away now to see or hear him. He decided that he would try and get a boat before he tried to figure out the ancient technology of the temple. He sat on the beach for a while but no ships passed. He chose to just go try and figure out the temple. Then he said to himself "Of course! For the device to work the statue must have to be looking at the sun!!" The professor then goes to the temple and waits for the sun to line up with the statue. The statue faces west. The entire day the professor waits by the temple waiting for the sun to line up with the statue's eyes. Then once it does the professor goes into the hole walks down the stares and runs down the hallway and once he gets to the device he turns the knob back one to 2010. He waits for the light that came out the first time. The antennas don't light up. Then the professor notices something, the antennas that were there before were made of the stone, but these ones were made up of a stone that only looked similar to that one. The professor starts walking back out of the temple, but then realizes that the antennas were normal the day before so that means someone must be on the island. that person is his only way of getting back to his own time. The professor wonders if that person knows that he's here. The professor takes out the book he stole from that building and searches for another town besides the one he was at before, figuring the other person would be there. He finds one and walks there, once he gets there he notices it is exactly like the other town he walks into the large building, and goes to where he found the North American English book in the other building and there was another copy in the exact same spot. He took out the one he took and checked how many towns there were. There were six, each one looking exactly like the other one as far as he could tell from the book. All six of the towns were surrounding the temple. "How they used the power of the sun to create a time machine is just amazing" the professor says to himself. The professor puts the book back in his back and continues on towards the next town. Once he gets there he goes towards the larger building as he has before and sees if all the books are there, because if the person who took the antennas took one of the books then he would probably be in the same town. A thought comes to the professor, why would someone want these items they don't appear to have any value. Unless they do... the professor doesn't know about the value of it and he is an archeologist so it can't have much. The professor realizes that maybe like him got teleported from his time but doesn't know that its not the antennas that transeported him. Whoever took them is probably trying to get the ability of time travel for whatever reason. The professor then realizes he could use the time machine in his archeology being able to go back in time would be much easier than excavating things. Maybe if he can find the thief he can go back to when the people who created the time machine lived and ask how to make one. Then as the professor is thinking he notices something in the building he is in. It's coming from behind him, he turns around and sees that someone is moving a stone in front of the door. He runs to the door as quick as he can, and then thinks that the person who is trapping him in is the same person that stole the antennas, he then thinks that whoever stole them isn't after time travel whoever stole them is after the professor. The professor doesn't make it to the door in time he is sealed in. the professor thinks that he is going to sufficate then realizes that whoever is locking him in here left a small opening, if the professor was strong enough he could just push it open from the side. But no one man could move this stone. There had to be more than one. And idea comes to the professores head, he compeltely forgot about the equipment he brought with him. He pulls out a small hammer and a nail other than that he had nothing that would help him "it's not much" he says to himself "but its something" Then an idea pops into his head. He puts his tools back and tries to push over the stone, not from the side for that has already failed but from the back. The professor steps back a few steps then charges at the door as hard as he can, as he hoped the stone fell down. His arm was injured in the process of knocking it down though. It was a minor wound, so he took out his first aid kit and wrapped his arm up in a cast. Without the use of one of his arms trying to get back home with someone trying to kill him is going to be hard. But then again maybe someones not trying to kill him, maybe it was just a coincidence that it was getting shut. The professor sees no reason someone would try and kill him all he has done is help the knowledge of the worlds past increase.