Yo momma jokes!
->Yo momma so ugly,She is the #1 cause of accidents.
->Yo momma so hairy, that when you bump into her, you get lost.
->Yo momma so ugly, she went to an ugly contest and they said,"no professionals allowed!"
->Yo momma so stupid, she threw a rock at the floor and missed.
->Yo momma so fat, she stood on top of the empire state building and it sank underground.
->Yo momma so stupid, she ran and tripped over a cordless phone.
->Yo momma so poor, she ran into her home and fell out the window.
->Yo momma so ugly, when she comes into the room we all run away.
->Yo momma so slow, she naturally does the matrix.
->Yo momma so stinky, lucky for Darth Vader she already has a gas mask.
->Yo momma so tall, when people see her trip they yell out, "TIIIMMMMMBBBEER!"
->Yo momma so skinny, when she eats a french frie she says,"I'm full!"
->Yo momma so poor, I saw her kicking a can down the street and when I asked, "what are you doing?" She replied, "I'm moving!"
>Yo momma so ugly, when your dad saw her, he became ugly too.
Chuck Norris jokes!
~>Chuck Norris doesn't need to beat all the video games. He already has.
~>Chuck Norris has survived the Zombie apocalypse.
~>Chuck Norris can run around the world in ten seconds.
~>Chuck Norris doesn't need to pay cash. They pay him cash.
~>Chuck Norris can kill with his pinky.
~>Chuck Norris gets +1 life whenver he scores 10 points(when he beats up 10 people).
~>Chuck Norris can beat you up in the blink of an eye.
~>Chuck Norris can wear a pink shirt and still be manly.
~>Chuck Norris doesn't need to read a book. The book reads for him.
~>Chuck Norris owns a pet Tyrannosaurus Rex.
~>Chuck Norris eats rocks for breakfast.
~>Chuck Norris can walk on water.
~>Chuck Norris makes fire look pathetic.
~>Chuck Norris sleeps on the floor at night, with no blankets. He doesn't need a stinkin bed.
~>Chuck Norris can make a shirt with his chest hair.
~>Chuck Norris mad you read this!

- Title: Yo momma/Chuck norris jokes!
- Artist: vorpal5
- Description: Well, one day....I decided to write up some yo momma jokes in my journal (in real life)....and so...yeah. I put them on here. Some chuck Norris jokes too. Share these with your friends! You family!
- Date: 11/14/2010
- Tags: momma jokes
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