• Janiquil wasn’t long in bringing it and with it, an eager ear.
    “So, how did your test go?” The girl slid into the seat opposite Aurelia’s and watched as the latter bit into the sandwich with relish.
    “I passed, of course. Why aren’t you working?” Aurelia turned the conversation in Janiquil’s direction for a good reason and listened with half an ear as words flowed out of the girl’s mouth in an seemingly never ending stream.
    It was later than she had anticipated; when she left the cafe and Aurelia sighed silently cursing herself for switching the conversation in Janiquil’s direction. That girl could talk the hind leg off a donkey! However, not a trace of remorse was reflected in the way she strode along. Although Aurelia would never admit it, she was rather glad that Janiquil had gone chatterbox on her. It had helped to kill some time anyway.
    “I’m home.” Her voice echoed back towards her again and for the fiftieth time, Aurelia wondered why was she in a habit of doing so even though there was no one at home but herself.
    She dropped her bag in its usual spot and unpacked it, stowing away things in their usual position, anything to forget the fact that she was alone, anything to stall some time. As she was lugging a laundry basket piled with things she thought she left out washing the other time, the sharp shrill of the doorbell broke through the silence in the place and her skin rippled with shock.
    Setting the basket down, Aurelia padded towards the door and opened it.
    “Who is it?” She called out, only to see a basket filled with flowers placed on her doorstep. Hefting the heavy package up, Aurelia brought it into her home and propped it on her table, hoping the wood could support the weight of the heavy plants.
    Scanning the many blooms, the thing that caught her eye was the creamy white envelope stuck in the middle of them, an envelope with her name on it. Aurelia’s breath caught in her throat as she reached out a finger to prod the envelope, wondering if it was real. Realizing it was, the girl carefully silted the letter and gingerly took the piece of paper out.
    “Congrats on your victory! Continue to work hard because a day will come when a duel would be inevitable. ” Confusion warred in her head when she glanced at the signature at the bottom which was actually just a bunch of numbers and her fingers curled unconsciously, crushing the note, her crystal brightly aglow with radiantly bright light that could blind. Anger ripped through her like a hurricane on a rampage and the paper in her tightly clenched fist started to smoke.
    Smelling the tangy hint of smoke in the air, Aurelia glanced down and was startled to see the dancing whips of ashy air. Dropping the charred paper into the rubbish bin, she strode jerky steps to the nearest window and flung it open; sticking her head out to breathe in the chilly air of an afternoon recently attacked by falling flakes and gradually, the glow of the crystal dulled into its usually soft shine.
    As Aurelia tossed whatever ashy remains of the charred note she could find, into the dustbin, sweat drops big on her forehead shone, the results of keeping that part of her locked up. A battle that had always been a kind of challenge for her and left her exhausted afterwards.
    The doorbell rang again, sharp and shrill and it jarred on Aurelia’s nerves. Clamping down sharply on her lips, Aurelia picked her way gingerly to the door and swung it open, the number pushed out of her mind.
    “Hey big sis! I’m home!” Isola’s perky pixie like face stared into hers and she almost sobbed in relief, wrapping her arms tight around her little sister.
    “Welcome home.” She murmured into Isola’s ear, finding comfort in the familiar and the girl laughed.
    “That tickles!” Were the words she giggled out and the sisters dissolved into merry laughter, though they soon forgot why. It just felt great to be able to laugh so freely and happily.
    When they had recovered, Isola’s bag was examined and emptied. Items were accordingly disposed off and returned to their proper positions in the home, as were certain recently acquired items and jackets accordingly made their way onto both sisters’ shoulders for a dinner at the Hearty Romina.