• "Hiya!" Cloud suddenly appraoached me and said. He was wearing a black jacket with black panta and black sneakers. I was wearing an outfit similar to the one I wore yestarday, but I didn't have long sleeves, just a black and white checkered bracelet and the color was purple instead of black. I was on my way to the elders room because they called me when Cloud suddenly got in my way. "What do you want?" I asked, impatient. "Hmmm, what do I want...?" he asked kissing my hair that he had gently grabbed in his hand. A split second later Riku came up and bashed him in the head. He looked at me, blushed, and lugged the unconciouse Cloud away and into a group of screaming girls. I just continued walking to the elders's room and opened the door. "Ah, welcome, welcome. Come, we must discuss your next move in your mission." Swan said as I sat on pillow across from them. "Well, how do I put this?" Swan asked herself. "You need to move into the city. This way the students don't get suspiciouse about how you don't go home and somehow find out that your an asasin." Crow said. "Okay." I said. "That's it, okay? No objections?" Crow asked. "No. You're right, if someone found out I was an asasin, it would lead to trouble." I told her. "Well, than, it's time to get you settled, we have already picked the place, if it's alright." Swan said. "Anywhere." I said. "Good, well, we better start get you moving!" she said.

    Next, Magic Melody 16