• "Ice skating?" Ark asked Suki. "Yup! I won these tickets in a radio contest, for me and 5 friends, pretty lucky huh?" she said happily, shaking her long, curly, blond hair, her blue eyes sparkling. Ark sat at his desk tipping back in his chair. I sat on his desk in blue ripped jeans, black sneakers, a black long sleeve shirt that said Hell girl on it with big white letters and the color red looking like blood dripping down my shirt. Suki was wearing pink stockings with a pink skirt, pink long sleeve shirt with a girl on her cellphone on it, and pink boots. "Please come? It'll be a triple date! Me and Ash, Serenity and Hunter, You and Jinx!" she said. Ark rested his head on my lap and looked up at me "What do you think?" he asked. I shrugged "It seems like it could be fun. What do you say?" I asked him. " If you think it'll be fun, than, okay." he said. "Great!" Suki said cheerfully "I'll go tell everyone else." and she left. "I don't know how to ice skate." I said. He rose a brow at me "My Canaan? Who is the smartest girl I have ever met, doesn't know how to ice skate?" he asked. "Well, we all can't be as perfect as you!" I said. "Right, you're flaws are just what make you more sexy." he said. My whole face burst into flames. "Where did that come from?" I asked, although I didn't really mind the comment. He shrugged and sat up while smiling. Jacob ran into the classroom just as the bell rang. "I made it!" he yelled, flopping into his seat. I hopped off Ark's desk, heading towards mine, but before I could, Ark grabbed my waist and pulled me down into his lap. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked. "My seat?" I said nodding my head to the chair on the otherside of the room. He just smiled and kissed me. I didn't even notice when the teacher came in. Next thing I knew, the teacher was tapping my shoulder and sending to my seat. While his back was turned, I waved to Ark. When class was over, Suki came and said the trip would be during winter vacation. Ark walked me to class, as usual. I fell asleep in math. By school's end, I was completely tired. Ark caught me waiting outside for him "You go on ahead of me, I have something to do." he said. "Okay, see you later." I said. "Sorry." he apologized. "It's okay." I said, and went home.I got home and flopped down on my bed. I fell asleep automatically. The usual dream, yelling, dying, Rena, Junko, and Luneth. I woke up to the sound of my door closing. "Jinx?" Ark called. I moaned loudly to let him know I was upstairs. I must've fallen asleep for a couple seconds because, when I opened my eyes, Ark was shaking me awake. "Morning." I said, sitting up. "Morning, sleepy much?" Ark joked. I nodded, yawning. "Well, I'm going to paint up on the roof, wanna come?" he asked. I nodded. He stood up from the chair he was sitting on. "Well, come on." he said. I shook my head "Carry me." I told him. He blushed a bit "Okay." he said. He wrapped his arms around my legs and waist and lifted me up. "You're becoming much more girly." Ark mumbled under his breath. "And you're becoming less of a man." I joked. He went silent for a moment. "It was just a joke." I said, quickly. He sighed, looking relieved. He kissed me on the cheek. He carried me all the way to the roof, letting me down on the brick box once up there. His art stuff was already up there. "A week ago, I got this assighnment, I have to draw something for art class, they asked us to draw something we could never replace. Also, whosever is the best will get theirs put up in an art museum." Ark said, letting the excitment show in his tone of voice. "I'm sure you'll win." I told him, shivering a bit as the wind blew past, stirring my hair. "I want to draw you." he said, blushing a bit. "I'm fine with that, but why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked. "If I did, than I wouldn't be able to paint the perfect winter painting of you." he said. " What do you mean?" I asked him. He beamed and whispered "Look up." I did, and it was snowing. I stood up and and lifted my hands, almost to catch the snow. I found myself giggling and smiling. I turned towards Ark, and saw him in a blushing grin. "You truley are the most gorgeus girl I've ever met." he said. I bent down to him "I better be." I said "Now, tell me where to sit." He nodded "Sit here." he said, pointing to the block I was just sitting on. I did. He got up and got his easel, paints, and other stuff ready. Ark set up this thing like a mini roof with plastic over the easel so as not to get it wet. "How should I sit?" I asked him. The sun was down and the moon was out, but the stars were covered by the city lights. "Any way you want, I want this picture to be completly you." he said. "Okay, what are you going to name it?" I asked him. He suddenly blushed really hard you would have mistaken his head for a huge cherry. "You'll find out when you see it." he said. "Okay." I replied. I sat with my legs infront of me, my ears a little up, my back straight. My hands were beside me, holding my up as I leaned back until a strong wind blew, and I put my hand up near my cheek to keep the hair from going into my eyes. "There!" Ark yelled. "Keep your hand there." he said. I nodded and tipped my head to the side a little, looked to the side the wind was blowing from, and didn't smile, but didn't really frown either. The plastic was clear so he was able to see me from behind it. The wind blew nonstop, almost as if it wanted Ark to get the picture he wanted. By the time Ark was done, I was stiff, and my arm had fallen asleep. Ark grinned at his work proudly. "Can I see it?" I asked. "No, you'll have to wait until Mrs. Gergley puts it up." he said. "I thought you only have your painting put up if it's the best." I said. "In a museum, if it's the best. She's also putting up this whole art showing for everyone in art class and the whole school to see, they gave an announcement about it a while ago, don't you remember?" he asked. "Yes." I said. He rose an eyebrow at me "Than why did you ask?" he said. I shrugged. "My hand fell asleep." I said, changing the subject. "Sorry about that." he apologized. "It's okay, I just hope you got the painting you wanted." I said. He grinned "I'll tell you this, I think it's better than the first!" he said, excited. The first was after I spoke to him. He really wanted to draw me, he had made me look like some kind of goddess, he was pretty pissed at his sister for showing me. I smiled "That's good." I told him. I shivered again as the wind blew. "Are you cold?" he asked. I shook my head, although it was pretty obviouse I was. He smiled a bit and took off his coat, and wrapped around me. "Happy?" he asked. "Depends." I said. "Depends on what?" he asked. "On how good a kisser you are now." I said, and after such a long time, kissed first. "I love you." he said against my lips. "Love you too, but just kiss me." I told him. Suddenly, I found myself topless, and under Ark, still kissing. The back of my head was on the brick box, and so was the back. "ARK!?! Where the hell are you?!" Ark's dad yelled once again. Ark lifted his head. He looked down at me, his eyes unhappy "I geuss you're gunna tell me to go now." Ark said. I smiled "Yea." I said. He sighed, picked up my shirt and gave it back to me. I slipped it on. "If it makes you feel any better, you've gotten better." I told him. "Better at what?" he asked. I leaned down, close enough to his lips to give a quick kiss, and a clean get away. "Better at kissing, of course." I said, giving him a quick kiss. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you." he said. "Yes?" I asked. "If you have fangs, doesn't that mean you drink blood like vampires?" he asked. My heart fell, and I could feel my smile fade "You'll have to find that out for yourself." I said. He seeme to notice he was treading on unwanted territory, and backed off. Silently, I thanked the gods that he did.

    Next, Magic Melody 29