• I knew you were my best friend! you gave me belly rubs and treats. You let me sleep at the end of your bed, and you let me ride in the front seat of your car with you. I loved you... and i THOUGHT you loved me. yet one day that all changed... you screamed and pointed your finger at me.. what did i do? i tried to please you. By licking you and wagging my tail. But you only made me sleep outside in the cold rain. You didnt let me ride in the front seat, in fact i dont remember ever leaving the house from that point on. I wondered.. what did i do? i knew i was a good dog.. i listened when you spoke, i never peed on your carpet, and i never ran away. i didnt drink out of the toilet and i never barked or growled when somene came to the door... i was a good dog. Couldnt you see that?! couldnt you see i tried to please you! I did everything i could.. i loved you. every night i had a new bruise, and another reason to wonder.. what did i do?