• The divines had taken over the world, ruling out all of the half-breeds in the world. They dumped them in the dungeon the rot away, only giving them food once or twice a week, unless there happened to be a special occasion, then the dungeon guards forgot about them and gave them no food or drink at all. Taivia Fateweeper had been one of those half-breeds. She had gotten locked up in a small cell, with only a few thin cushions for a bed. The stone walls gave no insulation, and many others died in the cold months, when there wasn't any heat. The cells had one small, barred window, looking out over the no-longer blue ocean. Some looked out over a forest. Those were the unwanted cells. The cell that you prayed you didn't get. There were rumors that a half-breed had been attacked by a creature that had come in threw the window. A creature small enough to fit through the bars, yet strong enough to kill an average sized man.
    Taivia had been a lucky one, not getting locked up in one of the cells with a window overlooking the forests. She had survived in the dungeon now for about four years. She fantasized about getting out of the dreadful place, back to... She didn't have anywhere to go. They would find her no matter where she went. And the next time, they would kill her.
    The divines had destroyed the hunters, the ones that once threatened their lives. All dead. Talia had seen the destruction, just before she had been put into the dungeon.