• **Jordan's POV**
    "I'm guessing that your the reincarnation of Jo-tan Uzumaki." Tsunade said. I suddenly felt a presence that seemed familiar somehow.

    "Can you guys feel that?" I said, walking toward the direction of the presence. Tsunade and Kakashi shook their heads no, so I told them to follow me. I walked and walked toward an old and abandoned apartment building. I hold my hand out to Kakashi, and he gives me a kunai. I jump onto the roof of the 10 story building. "Woah how'd I do that?" I ask myself as I walk toward the other side of the roof.

    Two thuds coming from where I was a few seconds ago told me that Tsunade and Kakashi also jumped onto the roof. I walk around a large pillar and that's when I saw her.

    **Jo-tan's POV**
    After leaving the hideout I came here. No one knew I was here. It was abandoned and no one came near here. All of a sudden I got the strange feeling of a presence. It felt oddly familiar, even though I never sensed this presence before. The feeling got stronger and stronger, until it seemed to be coming from right behind me. I turn around and come face to face with a girl. She looked a lot like me when I was her age. Although I looked the same way she did since I was four. She had the same nose, eyes, and even hair style. Except her hair was completely black.

    "Jo-tan?!" A man in a mask said, walking up from behind the girl. I realize it's Kakashi, my childhood friend, my first and last crush, my soul mate. He seemed both mad and relieved at seeing me. Then Tsunade came!

    "What the... Who is that girl Kakashi?" I ask. The girl walks up to me and I walk to her, not able to stop the movement of my feet. We start to glow! I glowed white and she glowed black. I reach my hand to her, and she does the same. We grasp each other's hands and we both glow grey. We land on the floor again, and we see that we're both identical! I had was wearing almost all black, and had black hair. Jordan's hair was white, and wearing mostly white clothes.

    "Woah" We say in unison. Our voice even sounded the same! We were like twins!

    So how is it ~nya?