• When I finaly woke up, I noticed that I was lying in bed. I looked around and saw someone hunched over at my desk. I sit up and ask, "Are you real?" He, I, It, turns and looks at me. "That depends on your defenition of the word real." He looks at me and I stare back. Then a thought hits me. "So I do it, I finaly do it!" I say happily, "I'm a time traveler!" He looks at me sadly. For a long while he says nothing. "Actually," he says in a flat tone, "I am the only time traveler here. You are my 'yet-to-be'." I look at him like he just struck me. "What do you mean yet to be?" I ask quietly. "Just before you become a time traveler," he say softly, " You are going to die."
    It takes me a moment to process this information. Once it gets through to my brain my adrenaline is kicked into over drive. "What do you mean when you say die!" I shout at this obviously phsycopathic version of myself. He just stares at me with those ageless eyes and says, "There is no other definition for death. Your life in this world ends, thats all there is to it." I stumble back until I hit my bed. No, I think to myself, I can't die if I do I won't be able to keep my promise. Snow. I look out my window and see her standing in the yard looking up at the sky. "Do I at least get to say good-bye to her?" I look at the strange, yet familiar features of the boy standing before me. He walks to the window and stares at Snow for a minute, then says, "No. What has happened here must never reach the ears of another living soul," His tone is strong, and commanding, "If it does you will never see Snow again." He turns and walks out of my room. I run after him, but when I peer down the hall he's gone.