• the tide swept in and out in and out, flowing over my feet as i stood staring out into the never ending pool of water. i felt like as if i was being watched from the end of the white sandy beach. i turned to look and see who or what was watching me but they ran away before i could see who it was. i was a bit scared but i told myself it was just my imagination over reacting. i walked over to the pier to walk to the end and get a better look at the rocks that were being overlapped with crashes of waves. i was nearly at the end when i heard footsteps following me. i whipped around in my barefeet and a white dress i saw a man. once he saw that i turned around he ran towards me and pushed me over the edge. i fell towards the water and i hadnt realize it but a sudden deathly scream erupted from my mouth as i hit the water with much force. i sank for a bit until i realized i was out of air than i panicked. i didnt know which way was up so i swam what i think was up and i burst into the air like a fish out of water. i gasped and coughed until i could gane my eyesight back. i hadnt realized how far out the tide had carried me so i tried to swim back to shore but it wasnt going very well so i let the waves carry me for a bit until i was close enough to reach the shore myself. i wasnt sure what had happened and i deffinetley wasnt sure why it did happen but all i know is that there was somebody after me and i needed to go into hiding. im not safe anymore.