• Sayomi

    His ears were there when he took off his hood. "So?" I asked, confused. "So! They won't go away! No matter how hard I try!" he said. "Eh? That is bad. Where's your mom?" I asked. "With my sister at the summer camp thing. I'm alone for the rest of the summer." he sighed. "Well, do you know how to make them go away?" I asked. He started blushing, but nodded. "Well, what is it?" I asked. "Well, actually, I think it's better if we got to my world first, to help you out with your goddess personality switch thing." he said. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded "Call your dad. Tell him your going on somewhere with me and my mom and sister." he said. I nodded "Alright." I said, and called up my dad. It was a long conversation, mom had to get on the phone, I had to explain me and Yoichi would not be alone but also with his mom. It continued until my parents finally gave in and said yes. I asked Yoichi how long we'd be gone, he said about two weeks. I told my parents and before they could protest, closed my phone. "What now?" I asked. Yoichi took a bluish liquid in a tiny glass containor, came, over wrapped his arm around me, and threw the container to the ground, making the glass shatter and the liquid spill while saying "This." Just than the blue liquid turned into smoke and the nwxt thing I saw was a midevil kingdom with modern day dressed people with cat ears and tails!


    She fainted. She actually fainted. I actually had to carry her all the way up to the really tall castle in the center of the main city. When I was able to carry her all the way up to the highest friggn tower, I started shaking her awake. "Hey!" I yelled. Her eyes fluttered open "Yoichi?" she said. "Yes, fainting lady?" I asked, teasing a bit. She blushed a bit "Cute." I thought. "Did I really faint?" she asked. "Pretty much. Conked out right in front of everybody." I confirmed. She blushed even harder. She looked around, we were in a small tower room. "Why are we here." she asked. "We need to be careful. I don't think people should know about you being the goddess, just yet." he said. "Why not?" she asked. "If people knew, they would probably go after you. You see, there is more than one story telling what will happen when the goddess discovers immortality." I began to explain. She nodded her head, eager to hear what I had to say. "Well, the first is that the spell will be broken and the goddess will live forever. The second is that she will become so strong she won't be able to control it conciously. She will turn evil and wreak havoz on the world until the end of time." I finished. She shivered "That's......a little disturbing." she said. "Don't worry, not a lot people believe it, but I like to avoid those who do." I said. She nodded. "Anyway, while coming up here I was able to get someone to help us out for, at least until tomarrow." I said. "Who?" she asked. This is where I got mad. Just thinking of the guy got me pissed. "Yoichi!" she called. "Oh, sorry, what?" I said. "Who? Who's going to help us out?" she asked. "His name is Akira." I mumbled. "Well, what's he like?" she asked. "Why don't you find out for yourself?" said Akira's voice, and Sayomi's tank top was lifted high enough to see her black lace bra. She quickly shoved it back down, her face completely red. Just than, Akira appeared out of thin air. He had on a white lab coat, black t-shirt, blue pants, and sneakers. His hair was jet-black and one side of his bangs completely covered his right eye. He was about our age actually. A huge over achiever. "If you think I'm a pervert, he's the king." I said. She looked from me, to Akira, back to me, back to Akira, back to me, and banged the back of her head on the stone wall. "The new goddess is way hotter than I thought!" Akira laughed. "You wanna die?" I snarled. "Calm down, priesty." Akira snarled back. "Um...." Sayomi said. We both looked at her. "Can we go now?" she asked. "Yeah, sure." I said, and helped her up to her feet. She brushed herself off and we began following Akira.

    Next, Cat's paw 24