• The way how earth revovles around the sun is the same as how we view ourself. People are always thinking, "Are they looking at me?" Or.... "What did I do wrong?" Pheesh! What nonsense! Sometimes I wonder how we turned so conceited. From my point of view.... some people are gifted but not all. I've live a long life, haha only sixteen years.... But I still think that it is bettter than nothing. We are humans beings, so yes, we sin and make mistakes. That's the way we live. However, i'm actually glad. If we were perfect, then there won't be any excitment, nor happiness. Haven't you notice that we human beings learn from our mistakes? After we learn our mistakes, we feel mucho better. We accomplished what we started, therefore, allowing us to have more knoledge.
    My mom taught me a lot about life. Lately. i've been taking it for granted, but so what? Let me tell you how life works. We have three goals in our lives. Number one, (To do something that people will know us for.) Number two, (Finding the greatest love in our life, Aka.. soul~mate.) Number three, (To die happily.) I'm sure that I'm not wrong. I've learned that Emo/Gothic/any other kind of deppressing people would perfer death.... Ha! They're really stupid. The sun does not revovle around us, but we revolve around the sun. Take it to this point of view. We have to struggle for things we want or for what you call justice, so we have to run presistently around the sun. Without the sun.... we would all die.
    Some people are really gifted. Gifted people would never give up in life, and thinks all positive. They always think, "What should I do to help?" "Does anybody need help? If so, I will help them." The reason why they're gisted is because of the way they look at the world. Gifted. means to have a special talent that is amazing. People that thinks out of the box, and are presistence with life, is gifted. Eh, but what do I care? stare