• You know the feeling when the aura of the room suddenly darkens? Like you know something is up. But why do we have this sense? As Tylee knocked on the door, Sammi could feel it. "Oh No."

    Tylee walks into the room. "OH MARINA! ARE YOU OKAY! OH DID YOU HEAR BONNIE GOT SHOT? OH NO..." As She mumbled on, Nikki grabbed her bag. "Im outta here." Nikki said, leaving. Sammi felt the aura darken.

    The next morning she got a call. "Hello?"

    "Yes this is the police office, you need to get down here. Fast"

    Then he hung up, so as told she went to the police office. She smiled seeing Nick sitting in the chair. Then realizing it was the chair before questioning, she ran to him. "Nick, what's going on?" He replied. "Its alright, im being questioned because I knew Marina and Bonnie. " Sammi sighed in relief, then seeing the police officer, who9 called her. "Sammi over here! You are a detective correct? We have a good lead on the case, but you need to analyze it." Sammi nodded, waved back to Nick and walked to the evidence locker. "The gun again?" She asked. The officer smiled. "Yes, but even better we have fingerprints. Two sets." Sammi smiled. "Two? No wonder!" She saw the prints and looked at the gun. Her eyes lit up. "Ive got it! I know who the killer is!"

    Trial. Two actually. It turns out the killers were Laura and Tylee, but here, Ill let you investigate.

    Sammi laughed. "Tylee and Laura!" The officers led Sammi out of the room, and called Tylee and Laura in. "How we know this, the prints math yours and you two were the only ones who had grudges for everyone in the group but each other." Sammi said proudly to them. Hearing the news in the background...

    "Teenage girls caught! The murderers were Tylee Gett and Laura Gnotther. Marina Kasey is now out of the hospital, while we all still pray and hope for Bonnie's family. That is the 5 pm news, goodnight everyone."

    The Killers Were Caught.

    [[So like who killed? or tried to? Trials in part 4! coming soon!]]