• Love Lost the Hard Way

    An Inuyasha Fan Fiction

    I knew it had been a trap. But if only I had known it had been set by HIM, Naraku.

    Naraku was the most foul-hearted demon in all of Japan. He, once a human, had sold his soul to demons in order to be reborn. Now he seeks to find something even more powerful then the scared jewel of four souls, which I have heard to have been destroyed, but I am yet to confirm that. Naraku is after a stone that is said to have the ability to make oneself cloaked in night; to be anywhere and everywhere. To see everything, to hear everything and be everything, this stone is called the lunar diamond.

    Pain wracked through my body as my right arm was twisted until a loud pop sounded through the air. I managed to catch him off guard by jerking on my dislocated arm and throwing him off balance. I jumped back and stood ready for his next move. My left arm, broken and bloody, hung at my side.

    “Well now my little ninja, what will you do now? Your sword arm has gone limp and your other is broken and crusted with blood. No one can save you; well I guess that’s what happens when you travel alone.”

    Damn, he was right. If only I had waited for Ken.

    “I don’t need anyone’s help!” I shouted instead, what was it that my teachers had always drilled into our brains? Never give up, there’s always a way out of everything. I had to get my arm back into place, I had to fight.

    I rammed into the tree next to me. I withheld a scream as I slammed my dislocated arm into it. But, as desired, the arm popped back into place. I bit hard on my lip and stretched out my shoulder, it hurt, but better than being useless.

    “Well, well, that was a cute little trick. I guess they teach you how to prolong your deaths in your village.” Naraku said in a silky voice.

    “No, they teach us how to slay jerks like you.” I grumbled, spitting out blood.
    I slid my broken sword to the side with my foot and drew my dagger. I brought it back behind me and charged him. But as I was in a few feet of him, something hit me. It burnt and stung, like running into a wall of fire. But I couldn’t pull back. I felt energy surge around me and the next thing I knew, I was flung into the air. I quickly kicked my feet over my head so I could land on them. But as I landed, the ground under me crumbled and I heard a snap. Pain shot up my leg and I knew that I had just broken my ankle.
    Damnit, what had happened? I looked over to see that I had landed on fallen branches. Damn trees.

    He glided through the air towards me slowly.

    “Its over” he purred triumphantly. He raised his hand above his head and touched the bones growing spider-like out of his back. It started to shift until it came to a point. Then I realized what he was making. A sword, he was making a sword out of his bone. At last, he had pulled it from himself. The sword was beautiful. The blade glistened in the sun. The smoothed bone looked dangerously sharp.

    “Dammit Misumi, He’s getting ready to kill you with that thing, don’t think about how pretty it is!” I said to myself as I bit my lip. My left arm and my right ankle were useless. There was no one to help me but myself. “Well what did you expect?” I mentally kicked myself “a magical escape like in the fairytales? No, this is the real world, its over” I sighed. Why wasn’t the life of a pampered princess good enough for me?

    Damn father, always being right.

    “Well actually, I bet your dearest mother would pay dearly for your safety” he lowered his sword.

    “My mother would never make a pact with a low-life like you Naraku!” I spat

    “You’re right, besides, if your mother really cared about your safety, would she have really let it get this far?”

    His words weighed down and won over what little strength I had to hold up my head. But he was right; my mother had never shown any affection for me.

    “Ah, that’s what I thought” he raised his sword again. I braced myself, this was it.

    Suddenly, without any warning, there was a blinding blue light. It tore my dagger out of my hand and smashed rocks and trees. I quickly jumped to a safe distance and crouched, trying to see through the dust. I squinted, Naraku had to have been killed, and I knew that if I had been any closer, I would’ve died. But as I looked closer, I saw a figure. Naraku was perfectly fine. Damn barrier.

    “Ah, Sesshomaru, have you stooped as low as to saving a mortal girl?”

    I turned my head in the direction that the light had come from. There stood a man with pure white hair. He wore a white kimono and a white fur pelt over his right shoulder. But his swords are what made me suspicious of him.

    He had two swords and they both sang songs to me. One sang a happy song about life and living it to the fullest, the other sang an evil song, one so vile it sent chills up my spine. It sang about the slaughtering of thousands and hating everyone. In all my life with my ability to hear a sword speak, this way by far the most horrible thing I had ever heard.

    “I did not notice, nor do I care about that girl. She is just merely in the way. But really Naraku, such dramatic steps to attempt to kill a mortal.” The man said flatly

    If this man refers to me as a mortal, surely that meant he was a demon. Aww s**t. I needed to get out of here. I sprung up and started to back away slowly.

    Naraku, with impossible speed turned to face me.

    “I don’t think so!” he roared. I saw a flash of ivory flying at me.

    Then there was another flash of blue light. Only, this light wasn’t nearly as strong.

    “Great shot Ahoon!” I head a little voice cheer.

    The flames died down and Naraku’s sword of bone fell at my feet.

    The man in white spun around and looked toward the sky.

    “Rin! I told you to stay put!”

    I snapped my head around. Rin? It couldn’t be.

    “Rin! The flowers have bloomed, but the birds are gone!” I shouted.

    The two headed dragon stopped flying and a small girl popped her head over the side.


    “As much me as I’ll ever be.”

    “Rin, do you know this girl?” The man in white asked

    Rin nodded hard. “Yes Lord Sesshomaru.” She called

    “Then take her on Ahoon and go back,”
    “Yes milord” The dragon started to descend

    “So this little girl means much to the both of you?” Naraku asked curiously “So I guess slaughtering her would be like killing two birds with one stone.” He grinned evilly and started to rise upward.

    “NO! Rin, run away!” I shouted, but it was far too late, Naraku was too close to her.

    Suddenly the demon in white lunged at Naraku, sword drawn. There was another bright light, but when it cleared, Naraku still remained untouched.
    “Fool! You cannot break through my barrier.”

    His power was immense, how could he not break through? Wait, maybe I could help him.

    I reached inside my kimono and pulled out my shuriken. It wasn’t an ordinary weapon, it had been touched the lunar diamond itself. Surely it could defeat his barrier. That man, what had Rin called him?

    “Sesshomaru” I called as he landed “I can break his barrier for you.”

    “I will not accept the help of a mortal” he hissed, glaring at me.

    “WONT ACCEPT HELP FROM A MORTAL MY a**! This is her life on the line, not yours!” I shouted, but then mu heart sank. “Don’t tell me your pride is more important than her life.”

    He was silent for a moment, then he faced me grudgingly “What can you do to break his barrier?”

    “I can throw this.” I lifted the eight-pointed star

    “That wont work.”

    “Do you have any better ideas?”

    He turned on me with his sword.
    “You will not speak to me like that, or I will kill you, understand?” His tone was dangerous

    “Yea, whatever, but really-“

    “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” he roared

    “Yes, yes I do,” I squeaked

    “Now.” He said through gritted teeth

    “What? Now what??

    “Throw it now!” he shouted

    Good thing my body reacted before my mind did. I quickly snapped around and mustered ever possible ounce of strength and threw and shuriken.

    Sesshomaru waited a few seconds before leaping after it.

    Naraku, who was busy watching us argue, didn’t notice what I had done until it was too late.

    “Fools” Naraku bellowed “Do you truly think that little piece of metal will make any difference?”

    I gritted my teeth, I sure hoped it would.

    Sesshomaru, far too quick to stay behind the star, leapt over to the top of a tall nearby tree.

    A few moments later, the shuriken make contact with Naraku’s barrier. There was a bright, blinding red light, but like it was made of water, the barrier absorbed the metal star.

    “There’s no way!” I shouted desperately “It should’ve shattered!”

    “I told you idiots, it won’t work!” Naraku taunted “My barrier is invincible”

    But suddenly a bright golden light emitted from the shuriken. It was so bright that I couldn’t see anything.

    “Wh-What’s this?”

    I heard the rustle of branches, followed by the ringing of metal. Then, a bright blue light shone alongside that of my shuriken’s.

    “Fools! Even though you did manage to break through you cannot destroy me!”

    When the lights faded, clumps of Naraku’s body started to rain down. His head landed just a few feet away. I got a queasy feeling in my stomach. That’s just too damn creepy. Then the pieces of flesh started to join together. His head rose out of his shoulders, and then came his chest, then finally his creepy spider-like bottom half. He grinned and popped his neck.

    “Come here my little princess, were not through just yet”
    I instinctively started to run, but forgetting my ankle was broken may have been what caused me to fall.

    “Damnit” I thought when I hit the ground “how in the hell could I have forgotten that I broke my damn ankle?” I quickly rolled on my back and sprung up with my left foot. I hopped side to side to help maintain my balance then gingerly sat my right foot down. Broken or not, I realized I was going to have to deal, because if I wanted to live, I was going to HAVE to use it.

    One of the bones from his back shot out at me. I quickly crouched then pushed off to my left with the help of my right arm. I desperately looked around; I knew I had thrown it in this direction earlier, where the heck was it? I dodged another blow from Naraku, I wasn’t going to have time to call out and summon the blade. I was going to have to find it myself. He lunged at me again and I jumped to my right. But his hand shot out and caught hold of my hair. Damn, well I wasn’t exactly in battle attire. I mean I had on my shinobi shōzoku and I had my hair in the black slip that you put it in to keep it together, but I hadn’t pinned it up very tightly. It must have fell out when I ran into that tree to put my arm back in place.

    Naraku lifted me off the ground and above his head.

    “I have you now.” He whispered. The weaker blue light came again. Naraku dropped me and stumbled back. Then Rin and the dragon swopped down next to me.

    “Come on Misumi, hurry!” Rin shouted, holding out her hand

    “YOU IGNORANT LITTLE PEST” Naraku shouted as he raised his sword, which he must have just picked up, as I realized this was the same spot in which it had landed earlier.

    Sesshomaru started towards us.

    ”Too slow.” Naraku laughed. “Now they will both die.”

    “ONSWAONI COME!” I shouted, extending my right hand. Quicker than the wind, the small dagger threw itself at me. I brought it against Narakus sword, just barely able to stand against his power.

    “You idiot, that little toy wont withstand my sword”
    I feinted him off to the right and, pushing off with my left foot against Ahoon, brought my right foot across his face,

    “Yeah, but what was that you said? Oh yea, I was trained to prolong my death, remember?” I said sweetly

    “Misumi hurry!” Rin whispered.

    Sesshomaru, appearing out of nowhere, stood over Naraku.

    “Rin, go now.”

    “Yes, milord.” She pulled me up onto Ahoon.
    The dragon-like demon landed for a moment then pushed off. He circled the spot where Naraku and Sesshomaru stood a few times, then took off in the direction of the river.

    I sighed shakily and the exhaustion I had been putting off overwhelmed me. I laid my head on Rin’s shoulder.

    “Rin, are you alright?” I asked

    “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for saving me Misumi.” She replied happily.

    “It’s what I live for, remember?” I laughed

    “Yes, that was so long ago though. Is Ken still with you?” Rin asked curiously

    “Yea, not for much longer after he finds out that I almost got myself killed.” I grumbled

    “He-he-he, I think it will take much more than that to get him to leave your side.” She giggled

    “I hope so.”