• "Silver smile" never welcomes you in the normal way. It welcomes you in as if it knows you'll fall into its trap. "silver smile" can be a guy or a girl, but in my case it was a guy. "Silver smile" didnt mean for it to end this way, but it did and I loved it...... you see "Silver smile" and I became close. Real close. Closer than you can ever imagine. He and I were going to be more than what we already were. But that would have to wait, because he and I were on a crash course into destruction. Not only to us but every one around us were in danger. so "Silver smile" decided to stab me in the back with what i believe as a set up, but ended up being a life long scar.

    Oh that " Silver smile" had me wrapped up in our on world were only he new the outcome. Oh that outcome would be the death of me. the lies he spoke had me believing he was the only one whoknew me. But lets be honest every good thing comes to an end. so i swore that I'd never look back at "Silver smile", never to fall in his trap again, and I'll keepmy promise....... as soon as i get out of this coma........