• Chapter 2

    I asked to leave and the man waved me out. Julian led me to a new room. The colors of it threw me off for a moment, bright almost blinding white light illuminating the bright yellow bed covers, the burnt orange walls, the rich mahogany desk.
    “This will be your room from now on if,” Julian paused, as if fighting back tears. “You choose to stay.” I nodded and looked around, letting my eyes adjust to the change of color. The door closed and I turned to see I was alone. I walked over to the desk and ran my fingers over its smooth surface absent-mindedly. Then my fingers hit paper. I looked down to see my hand over a piece of blue stationary. The shade of blue was indescribable, just like Julian’s eyes. I thought for a moment then picked up the pen and scrawled myself a note:


    I paused, what was my name? I decided to leave it blank and continue.

    If you find this letter you need to remember!
    You’ve forgotten someone very important and need to remember him.
    Please, please remember!

    I placed the note in an envelope and scrawled on the front:

    Julian, please give this to me.

    I then placed it on the bed. Lucky thing, the envelope was plain white sitting on a bright yellow background. I then laid down and waited, thinking about Julian. At first I was scared of him, but he started to grow on me. He visited me everyday after that first time I woke up. We would sit and talk about random things, what I was feeling, what I thought of the people who ‘took care’ of me, his past. I learned so much about him that I had started to feel guilty. He was telling me all about his life and here I was, not knowing anything about my past, not able to tell him anything about me. I must have dozed off because I’m startled awake by a shift in the bed and someone brushing my hair out of my face. Rolling over to look I see Julian sitting on the edge of the bed.
    “Come on. The big man wants to know your final answer.” He whispered, incase I was still asleep, I think.
    After my nap I’d decided I wanted to remember. I said goodbye to Julian, who looked devastated. I went back to the man in the chair. “I want my memories.” The man nodded and told Julian to take me somewhere I’d remember. Julian, heartbroken, nodded and took me to a house. No, not a house, my house. I knew that faded paint, the creaky swing, the broken driveway. I remembered my family, mom, dad, my sister Ace. They must miss me so much. The memories flooded my mind, dancing happily. I started running up to the door but something stopped me. A little tickle in my mind, something I’d forgotten. That’s when the door opened and Ace walked out.
    “Rose?!” She hugged me tight and the tickle was forgotten. Then my family was a rush, everyone trying to hug me at once. I got the feeling I was being watched, but I quickly shook it off.
    Days passed and everything went back to normal. Mom called everyone and told them I was home and safe. Dad started to go to work again. Ace kept me up so late to tell me about everything that’d happened. But I never could shake the feeling someone was watching me. Then one day someone knocked on the front door.
    “Mom! Can you get that? I’m trying to cook!” I could hear the muffled sound of the door opening then muffled talking in the living room. Then my mom came into the kitchen,
    “Rose, someone’s here to see you.” Puzzled I walked to the door to see a handsome boy, about my age, with his back to me.
    “Yes? Um, who are you?” I asked lightly. The boy turned and looked into my eyes with his amazingly blue ones. “I’m Julian.”