"Okay! Training today!" boomed Mr.Tanaka's voice from the loud speakers in the hallway, waking up everyone. I was asleep on the windows seat, letting Daisuke have the bed. "You're required down in the training room in one hour! So wake up!" than his voice was gone. "I'm taking a shower first." I said and went into the bathroom before he was fully awake. After I was done, I left the bathroom, wrapped in my towel. Daisuke blushed to his roots the minute he saw me. "Bathroom's open." I said. He nodded really quickly and went into the bathroom. While he was in there, I got dressed. I put on a black and purple short sleeved shirt, black skirt, purple thigh high socks, black combat boots, my regular clip in my hair, a black and purple stripped tie with pins and chains, and a black spiked braclet. I let my hair stay out. He came out, but had brought close in beforehand, so had on a black buttondown short sleeved shirt, black pants, black sneakers, and a red checkerd bracelet. "Ready to go?" I asked. He nodded. As we went down to the training room, I noticed more girls than guys were glaring at me. Probably because of Daisuke. The training room was seperated into two spaces by an unbreakable one-way glass. Meaning, we could see the person training, but that person couldn't see us. The side where everyone whatched had benches so we could sit and a control box against the glass. The training space was big and white. It seemed nothing but a big empty space, but when you entered all sorts of obstacles would appear out of the walls, ceiling, and floor. Lasers, throwing stars, robots, target dummys, everything, even land mines. When I explained all of this to Daisuke, his eyes went wide with either surprise or with fear. "Welcome, students!" Mr.Tanaka said. We all sat down on the benches. I sat down at the back alone. The girls came over and kidnapped Daisuke when we came. I say kidnapped because he looked really scared. "Today, instead of training alone, you will be training with a partner. The partner will be the person you share your dorm room with. So, Suki with Ami, Utau with Ichigo, Uzura with Naruto, and so on." he said. "And he purposly avoids saying my name." I thought and sighed. Daisuke got up from the crowd of girls, walked over and sat next to me. A little too close next to me. Two-by-two, each person got up and went to training. No one got a perfect score. I set to explaining to Daisuke about scores. It was 1-10. There were four categories. Bloodyness, swiftness, time, and style, just for fun. He nodded his head, listening intently. "Even I've never gotten a ten in everything." I admitted. "What category don't you have a ten in?" he asked. "It's always either swiftness or time." I replied. "So, you alway get a ten in bloodyness and style, huh?" he said. I nodded "Yup." I said. Eventually our dorm number was called and we got up. They gave Daisuke a gun, but I didn't need one. He looked at me a bit before the door opened for us to enter. "Word of advice. Forget everything that happened last night, everything that happened to you in your entire life. Just fight." I said. He nodded, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes again, a new look in them. A count down started and when it reached zero, we simeultaneusly ran out together.
It was as if our limbs were connected in a way. We were back-to-back the whole time. Switching, sailing, moving all the time. I used magic, he used his gun. Our hearts beat the same beat together. We were breathing heavily when we were done. And geuss what? We got a ten in everything. On our way back to the room, girls crowded Daisuke, saying how amazing he was. I just ignored them, and pushed down the feeling of jealusy that came. The weird part was, I was jealus of the girls for being so close to him. "I must be going insane." I thought and entered the dorm room. The girls tugged Daisuke along to their room. Being a such nice guy, he couldn't say 'no'. As I sat on the window seat, I pulled out a book and began reading. These were dark mage books. The more I read them, the more spells I learned, the stronger I became. The agency kept finding me more, but it's hard since nearly all the dark mages are dead. After a while, my strong sense of smell picked up alcohol. The thing was, it was coming from Daisuke. "Oh, s**t! They were getting him drunk!" I thought. When he came into the room, the smell was not that strong, that must mean he's an easy drunk, meaning, he gets drunk fast. He looked at me, and closed the door. "Oh, hell!" I thought, getting up and backing away. He hiccuped, and fell to the floor on his knees "Please don't puke. Please don't puke. Please don't puke." I thought. He didn't puke, thank god, but he started grinning at me in a weird way. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I went over to Daisuke, and tried to calm him down, mostly by trying to knock him out. I stood up "This isn't working." I mumbled. Suddenly his hand went up my skirt. In turn, I punched him as hard as I could on the head. I was still pissed, but at least he was finally knocked out. I grabbed the back of his shirt, and stored him in the bathroom. I sank to the floor "Idiot." I thought.
Next, Little star 5
Litlle Star 4
4. Training day, and I think the girls are getting dessperate....
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