• Chapter 1: The Days of Pure Hell

    I awoke with the sound of the sun burning though my pale skin. I lie there, waiting for my eyes to fully adjust to the bright light, but before they could I squashed the pillow back over my face. A moan slipped though my mouth unnoticably, and I rolled my eyes knowing I would have to face the sunny day. Another day of pure hell.
    I knew that soon my mom would come in and yell at me if I didn't get up, but that might be a risk worth taking.
    "Atleast she cared enough to get me up for school." I thought as I moped from my bed.
    Once I was able to stand straight and tall without woberling, I walked over to my window. It was open a slight bit, enough for someone to easily slip out. The idea laid in my head momentarily, but quickly faded as a cool breeze flicked at my hair. With a slam, the window shut. Turning slowly, I found that my door had been left open, and an annoying voice filled the air.

    "Dill, Dill, Moms gonna be mad if your not awake yet." a child screamed at me. My brother had always been annoying. He always grinned a mile a minute, and had chocolate brown eyes that would take in everything they could. I was tired of this everyday.
    "Damn, get the hell out of my room!" I hissed, not careing about what I had just said. The kid stopped running around and stared at me. His eyes widened and then he smiled casualy.
    "Wait til mom hears bout this." he added before running out of my room and down the stairs. A perminent frown appeared on my face. Stupid kids, they didn't understand anything. They had it easy. I walked forward and went out of my room; walked down the hallway to the bathroom. When I walked in, the first thing I saw was my twin. Our hair looked like a hurrican had run threw it, and still the same charcoal black color. I touched the reflection; it was cold but sturdy.