• As she walked she saw nothing. Her whole life was shattered and nothing made sense any more. Nothing. She could remember the yelling so clearly.
    “You stupid women! You will never amount to anything. Not now, not ever!” Those were the last words she had heard from him before he left. He whom she had wanted to share the rest of her life with; but it was all a dream now. Now he had moved out and she lived alone.
    Everyday for the last two weeks these lines had come back seemingly out of nowhere. He had left about three months ago. She had all but forgotten this ‘dream’, if you will call it that. They had dated for over two years. The fight had started over one stupid, simple question.
    “Honey, what do you want for dinner?” Yes, that question. She had asked him this question every night for two years. Why, then, it was a problem she didn’t know. Anyway, now she was headed to the one place she could think; an old windmill on the hill by her house. The windmill was deserted and had been for a long time. The path was too narrow for her car, so she had to walk most of the way there. Today she didn’t mind the walk. It was a beautiful day. Once she reached the fallen tree, she knew she was halfway there. She stopped. Climbing upon the fallen tree boosted her just above the tree level enough to see the city of Berlin. She could see the sun reflecting off the cars. As the cars moved the light twinkled. Then she jumped off the tree and continued up the hill. As she walked around a corner the trees opened up, revealing the windmill.
    She then heard the faint voice of a guitar and its player. It had a soft slow melody. She'd heard it before, but where, she could not tell. She kept walking towards the windmill and the haunting, entrancing music got louder and the atmosphere got thicker. The song now pulled at her soul. She could not hear the words, but she knew the song was about her. She stopped and wondered how she knew that, but not finding a logical answer, started again towards the windmill. When she reached the door, she wondered if she should knock or go right in; after all it was private property. She decided she would go right in. On opening the door the music got louder and richer till she could almost touch it. Also, the voice behind the guitar stopped.
    “He-hello?” She called.
    "Hello,” Was the reply from a voice that was dark, but soft. It also had a seductive effect on her. The music didn’t falter.
    When the song ended, she waited for a few seconds before asking the voice, “Wher-where are you?” She tried not to whisper.
    “Next to you,” She turned her head as if expecting someone to be standing there.
    The voice continued, “Behind you.” She could almost feel the voice's breath on her neck.
    “No,” the voice said as it started again, this time she realized it was an echo. “I’m upstairs in the loft. Come on up.” The voice ended with a chuckle.
    “Um… Ok. Wh-who are you?” Came her instant, but hesitant reply.
    “Me, I’m Justin. Now come on up. I finally want to meet you,” He instantly answered. As if on queue her legs started to move up the stairs as they had done many times before, but now she was a little uneasy about it.
    “Uh… You are a wonderful player,” She said trying to calm herself.
    “Thank you,” Justin answered.
    “Do you come here often?” She asked.
    “So… Have you seen me before?” She was quizzing him now.
    “Have we met?” She asked him holding her breath. She had just asked him the million dollar question.
    “No," She let out her breath, ”but I’ve seen you and tried to talk to you on many occasions.”
    “Oh,” Was her reply. Now she was at the top of the stairs. She stood outside the open door that led to the loft.
    “Come in,” He said sensing her hesitation. As she stepped around the corner she gasped noticing the room looked brand new. He had fixed up the loft.
    “Wow,” She breathed.
    “Amazing isn’t it?” He said. Now she noticed Justin leaning on the wall next to the window seat with his arms crossed and the guitar propped up next to him on the seat. Justin had dusty blond hair that danced in the wind and sparkled in the afternoon sun. His eyes were hazel green and filled with passion and he was wearing a wonderful smile. He also had on a tight blue t-shirt and jeans.
    She smiled and replied, “Yes.”
    “I have often heard you singing to yourself up here, and I wished we could play,” He waved a hand indicating his guitar, “and sing together.” Swinging his hand at her inviting her to take it, “Do you want to try it?” He finished.
    Taking his hand she replied, “Sure. What am I singing?”
    “Sing what you want and I’ll play the melody behind you,” He said with his smile. She smiled and began to sing.
    This was their first and last meeting. Now they were now together forever.