• It has been about 4 days after the strange meeting I had with the mystery man with the angelic voice in mom’s hospital room. She progressively got better since that time and then finally she woke up. The doctors were all baffled because there were no signs of the attack or that she had been internally bleeding when she woke up. “I suppose the Almighty must have had a hand in this.”Dr.Moore said. He was a 40 year old overly religious virgin who believed the ‘Almighty’ made him single for a reason….I have other guesses but that’s just me. After another week of sitting next to mom’s bed and sleeping on the cot and mom was finally released and we got to go home.

    Mom had decided that, since we were gone for over a good week, she would have a friend of hers pick up groceries. She wanted to herself but that idea went out the window when I gave her a glare. Once we got home she went to lie down and I went to go catch up on homework. Why didn’t anyone tell me that calculus could be so boringly easy? I guess I dozed off at some point because when I woke up I found the house was quiet and that mom was gone. I went downstairs and into the small kitchen to find a note on the cold tiled counter. It said she went to her office to give her signature for a release form at work saying she was in the hospital…are these people stupid or something? Honestly. So now that I was awake I went into the living room and sat on the couch and flipped through the channels. Finally I settled on watching “Snake King”. I became so into the movie I didn’t notice the front door creak open or the person slipping into my house.

    The movie went to a commercial and I went to go get a drink when I finally noticed someone by the staircase. As I stared at the silhouette of this person I took in as many blunt details I could. This person wasn’t too tall, maybe 2 or 3 feet taller than me. But taller than my mother, she was shorter than me. I jumped and slammed the light switch down and the room was flooded with light. Before me stood a beautiful man…err…boy…older teen? He couldn’t be any older than 20 that’s for sure. His hair was a light honey color that framed his face. “It seems everything is fine now, eh Luna?” The stranger said. That voice…there was no way I could mistake it! It belonged to the person from mom’s room! I was stunned beyond words. He took one step closer to me and said, ”As I recall Luna we had a deal didn’t we?” I looked at him confused until my memory came back on that night….If my mom was to live I’d give an anything in return…looks like my words just came back to bite me. But I’m a person of my word.
    I said I’d pay anything and I will, I will not go back on my words…even if they were unintentional.
    “So…what do
    I said I’d pay anything and I will, I will not go back on my words…even if they were unintentional.
    “So…what do you want?” I asked suspiciously.
    “Why Luna dear what I want…is you.” He said. With that he grabbed my arm and started dragging me away. I of course started to struggle but even though I pulled back he still dragged me forward as though I wasn’t struggling at all. Once outside in the dark I noticed the faint red glow of his eyes as he opened the door to a very expensive looking car. Well red eyes to me mean that he’s either pranking me or there was something not right about him…well since he seemingly brought a dying woman back to life I assume the later. He starts the car and I’m whisked away from my home…I wondered if I’d ever see it again.