• He walks to the shore of the ocean. His feet touching the water, but not in it. He thinks about her, always in his mind, never leaving it. He doesn't know her. He's only talked to her a few times, but in a way, he loves her. Hoping it wont always be silence for them. Wondering if he will ever tell her how he feels.

    She waits, day in and day out, for him to come to her. Hoping that he will be brave enough to go and sweep her off her feet, just like he always does. She doesn't really care what everyone says about him, what horrible things he does. Some of which can kill him, She doesn't care that he does those things. Sure she thinks he needs to stop, but she doesn't want to let go of him, the idea of him always with her.

    Today, he walks towards her. Not caring if she says no, or if she turns away, not ever speaking to him again. He just needs to know if she feels it too. So he goes to her, Stares straight at her, and tells her, "I love you, I always have, and always will." He thinks over what he says, thinking that it sounded cheesy and she'll probably say she doesn't feel the same.

    She is shocked, not knowing what to say, excitement flying through her. But she doesn't move, she just stares at him. Suddenly, he takes a step back, but in a quick flash, she grabs him and they kiss. She thinks, Finally.