• Prologue

    "Someone is going to dare to walk through the mazes of fate? Is useless."

    Nirhava, the people invisible, under the cruel flames consumed the destination. Intense flames, caused by war, greed, betrayal and destruction. The former exiles ran, desperately trying to avoid the fire, picking up their children crying for their fallen relatives and their homes reduced to ashes. Those who defend themselves, were quickly killed by the relentless onslaught of them ... them, who were at the zenith of their endless plan of conquest. An explosion was to fly two huts at the same time, and the slaughter was massive. There was no possible salvation, only I could run. But there was one obstacle in the way of the assailants.

    ─ Cover the innocent! ─ cried at that moment a man who wore a gray hood, preventing recognize.

    But all his burly torso was exposed, and metal gloves revealed that he was a monk. Enemy forces had to stop at the giant fist airy with which the man attacked. Others, like him, constantly fighting in different parts of the village Nirhava. They seemed to never fall ... struggled with the strength of wild creatures, making impressive moves, all driven by the zeal to see their village fall imminently. They were a total of nine, and were unstoppable. They were the only ones to destabilize the balance of powers.

    ─ ─ ... They should not uttered a young boy, also hidden under a hood, this golden ─ ... Zenna reach ... PROTECT THE STRONG! ─ as he said this could bring down a pair of opposing warriors.

    To the amazement of the monks known, the other side received reinforcements. Someone pulled the arm to the hood golden boy, forcing him to step back and not made shot guns and bows that many carried. Before them, would be totally disadvantageous starting a melee confrontation: Before you can reach them, their bodies shed all his blood, pierced by a hundred arrows and bullets. Thus, fencing crowded the shelter of the great leader of Nirhava, Zenna Aziel. Useless, his last efforts were reduced to nothing. To penetrate and destroy the walls of the shelter, the monks lay on the ground, mortally wounded, but resisting the embrace of it, invoking their body energies as never before.

    The interior appeared before the army, where he closed his eyes Zenna shedding quiet tears. When opened, she realized that a man had broken through treacherous army. The man, long black hair and deep dark eyes, was wearing a white robe, like a saint.

    ─ You ... I will not let you win ... ─ were the words of Zenna, while running his hands to his chest and his body began to float releasing a power beyond the known.

    That was the end of Nirhava.

    ... pain ... So ... pain ... I ... die ... Liberadme! ... I can not stand ...!
    LIBERADME O kill me!

    ─ ─ The object reacted reported a female voice.

    That ... was a completely isolated room. No windows, no more light than what came from a huge glass cylinder within which a person hanging from a thick chains hanging from the ceiling of the cylinder. As a container, that container released inside a kind of foreign gas and pearly. A respirator was in the subject's mouth, allowing fresh air to not kill him. I was completely naked, and pinned him numerous cables, subject to all parts of your body. On his face, the suffering was indescribable. About "specimen of study," a lot of women, most dressed in white robes and scientific aspect, typing on their computers, making thousands of calculations.

    ─ Intensify and increase energy dose to prevent a heart attack suddenly ordered ─ the only male voice. Apparently, this man, standing on a small platform at the back of the lab, wrapped in shadows, the commander of the experiment.

    By obeying the order, the man could only scream more ...

    Begs me to loose ... I WILL ... Whatever ... AAAGHHHHHH!

    All the muscles and veins of man were highlighted while convulsing in pain. Which was exactly what happened? It was impossible. One of the strings that held the man for the right wrist, started to shake, and one of the screws holding it flew, destroyed.

    ─ Care, sédenlo! ─ bellowed one woman. Several people rushed to reinforce the dose of anesthesia.

    However, it was too late. The chain broke to pieces and he fell to the floor of clindros huge, cracking the glass with his fist. It seemed as if his whole body throbbing ... and then opened his eyes. Everyone rushed to evacuate the room. The last to leave, amid the pandemonium that had broken out, was the man wrapped in shadow, on the stage ... to which her eyes shone with greed. A second blow of the captive to its containment capsule, and a look loaded with the most brutal hatred that can exist, seemed to finally convince the man to leave.

    Then there was devastating kick, and the capsule burst into thousands of dusty crystals.

    Chapter 1

    "A dream only ends when you die. Live your dream until the end."

    Parameters in optimum ─ ─ recited a female voice.

    Again, we find ourselves in completely enclosed room. Gruesísimas titanium walls, soundproof and indestructible, built the great enigmas clandestine laboratory where they grew up. And in that moment, a gigantic enigma plowed the minds of all who lived there: a month ago that one of the subjects had been broken up and its capsule trying to escape. He had been cruelly murdered, shot to shot, of course ... but in the small morgue lab that morning had disappeared. How could a dead man back to life, supposedly? But either way, it was impossible to ascertain.

    For this reason watched as effectively as possible to the new subject of study.

    Much like the previous experiment, only the subject of the same unconscious and well sedated, the man wrapped in the shadows this time was sitting on the dais, chatting quietly with a guest. Who could it be? That was also the enigma, because from that position any of the operators could see his face. The topic of conversation was somewhat intrinsic ...

    ─ ... Stephanus untimely Aziel that had always tried to deny her child which then ends up saving ... ¿Ironic, no? ─ said the guest.

    The other smiled.

    Nirhava ─ no longer exists. Why ghosts reminiscing, my dear Jihan? ─ asked the man.
    ─ Why is not dead at all. Aziel Cahen did not die, do you? ─ added.
    ─ He's dead. But born again achieved. Is not the same, perhaps? ─

    Jihan looked momentarily to the subject they studied.

    ─ This is the uncle of Cahen, is not it? Another component of the North Bengal ─ Jihan said, noting briefly the man inside the cylinder.
    ─ What is your point to point that out? ─ kindly asked his companion.
    ─ What if released? Do not try to help his nephew? Cahen and showed ─ escape said.

    He got started a little laugh at his companion, who shook his head, sipping a glass of wine he had in hand. They continued chatting, but this time on trivial issues such as climate and environment in the suburbs. Destion Nerus not react, although a few more hours spent trying to bring men to the same experiments that Cahen. Was it the high dose of drug that had entered his body to prevent an episode like the previous one? No, because the energy used should maximize the power of the mind and provide superior capabilities intransensoriales. Even when sedated, the man might be able to open their eyes and even tango. But things were so calm that the chief rose from his chair, excused Jihan, and finally ...

    ... came to light. The operations were paralyzed to see how the man (long black hair, deep dark eyes, and this time dressed in a white jacket), so grim smile as they move as if on wheels, straight to the capsule.

    ─ Is there any change in its evolution? ─ asked gently.
    ─ No change, sir ─ one of the companies reported.

    He clicked his tongue, but without showing the slightest sign of discomfort. He shook his head to both sides, as if criticizing the conduct of a child.

    Too bad ─ ... in short, as I suspected would not ─ as he spoke, put his hand on a lever next to the capsule, a lever that would trigger it to transmit oxygen to the body of Nerus ─ Goodbye ... ─ brother and fell.

    Chapter 2

    "This is not over. It is far from over."

    She suddenly stopped and returned the other, just the neck, to break his windpipe to his enemy. Another of the soldiers took to prevent the back end, but she stepped on and was released at the right time to throw an elbow to his nose, then rested on the shoulders and jumped behind him to take the front with heels. He managed to break his jaw and then, even leaning on the shoulders of the soldier, turned back to acrobatic kick another enemy. He stopped the first soldier's sword, removed it and cut her neck.

    ─ Stop Her! ─ bellowed one of the soldiers arriving in reinforcement.

    They were in one of the corridors of the giant laboratory, and the girl who had managed to infiltrate and had killed a few guards with his neat martial technique. Neither was competition for it, so they were falling one by one ... until they got around it so that the pinned and glued to the wall, preventing it from moving a muscle. However, the woman tried to channel their inner strengths and use the wind to be free ... which would have been were it not that at that moment she fired a tranquilizer dart right neck. She lost her strength slowly, and fell on her knees.

    In that, the soldiers departed. He had come.

    ─ Well, well ... So do the North Bengal even give his last breath? ─ asked the man, stepping quietly walking and approaching the helpless.

    She, despite having stiff muscles, succeeded in putting together a look of intense hatred to see that subject.

    ─ ─ You ... managed to say, rancorous ─ The North Bengal ... never cease to breathe. We always go to your happy face destiny, and we will win ─ said the woman, squinting.

    The soldiers forced the women to get up then, holding it tightly, to order of his boss.

    ─ Do you meet, you say? ─ ─ whispered This is not a fight, dear. Do you want to confront your own brother? ─ asked, making a tense hush fell over the scene momentarily.

    She even tried to struggle against morphine sedated and against the guards themselves, which was very useless. Expired, merely to look and try to kill with a glance which had proved to be his brother. Which was exactly what happened in that lab? Inexplicable.

    ─ You think that your web of lies and conspiracies is infallible, it snapped ─ ─ Cadmus But think again. What do you want to kill your family, eh? ─

    Cadmus raised both eyebrows Destion if not exactly understand the words of his sister.

    ─ It was not my intention to kill my own family, Claire. You have crossed your mind in the line of fire. It is not my business who dies and who lives in this battle, dear ─ Cadmus said, completely calm.

    Claire, meanwhile, was that he could not stand up, to faint. But before you drop, smiled trying to look a quiet pride.

    ─ What ... intend to do ... the experience with us? ─ she whispered.
    No idea ─ ─ Cadmus said, shrugging.

    [. . .]

    Claire did not know his brother was dead, and Cahen had escaped when he was subjected to the experiment. Had infiltrated Cadmus clandestine laboratories to try to rescue and rebuild the North Bengal who had fallen in the Battle of Nirhava. What does it all mean? Whence Cadmus obtained the necessary supplies for all that cutting edge technology? Two days later, Claire was now who was in the huge glass cylinder, with his naked body exposed to radiation altered him so strange. This time, Cadmus kept fully awake during the experiment.

    ─ No major alterations. Increasing doses whispered ─ 30% of the workers.

    The thing was that Claire Destion felt not the slightest alteration. He just watched his brother challenging, and his brother did not take off eyes off him.

    ─ I'm sure if I serve your sister ─ ─ Cadmus whispered're the strongest of the three ... ─

    After a few minutes, something finally started to alter Claire. They had begun to repower even double the energy load, so that your muscles spasms and suffered occasional wrinkled his face in pain. The numerous machines that showed the status of the girl, their graphs and showed accelerated evolution of the girl. Cahen just the way ... if it appeared that she had the makings to do ... But do what, exactly? Cadmus began to laugh to see the results.

    ─ Today we begin a new era, sister. Thanks for helping me achieve ─ Cadmus said, making a slight bow.

    The 3 chapters

    "Rivers of treachery collide and spill."

    A huge machinery eriguía to the group. Months of work, paying off, at that very moment ... I could almost feel his joy that reflected the faces of Cadmus and his assistants. The ceiling, then, slowly down, hanging from an iron wire, one of the capsules contain, where an unknown man had breathing difficulties. According to their beats, was very near death, the factory workers did their best to supply everything needed to be maintained well for a while longer. The peace seemed to be too ... Cadmus refrained from giving orders. Was it all as delicate as it appeared?.

    Dose of adrenaline ─ exhausted. We can not hold it much longer, sir ─ reported an operator.
    Turning ─ ─ oxygenation system enunciated another.

    At that time, someone else was positioned next to Cadmus. Jihan was. In the light, I could see his physique, he was a middle-aged man with a small tuft of hair, mahogany, and a semi-populated mustache and cut with precision. His eyes reflect kindness, or perhaps too quiet. He was thin and walked with hands clasped behind his back ... certainly seemed to be thoughtful, watching at that moment, a second cylindrical capsule descended as if it were an elevator. The man inside was also unknown.

    ─ What exactly expect to create this? ─ Jihan asked, apparently out of curiosity.
    ─ You never know, Jihan ... it is worth having an army, do you? ─ Cadmus said, as he says a new rash that has been on the arm.

    Jihan said no, he preferred to see the technological spectacle in silence. This time they had scientists and doctors everywhere to monitor the growing trend of individuals. They seemed to want to wait until they were at death's door to spin up the heart to adrenaline, it was a very strange way, for surely in principal had already caused severe damage to your body. It was unlikely that any of those who were there in the capsules could live without being connected to dozens of machines that would make all the body work for them. It was as if they were simple fruit that wanted to squeeze the juice. Something was abundant in the body of the subjects who longed Cadmus. What exactly could it be?

    ─ The internal energy level begins to rise ─ ─ said another machine operator We are ready for extraction ─ reportedly turning to Camuds and Jihan.
    ─ Great, come ─ ordered Cadmus, smiling.

    This time, the roof fell two things. Along with the first of the cylindrical capsules, under another, bigger than the others. Claire, some unconscious, could not open your eyes and simply gasp. But around the middle of the room, even larger than the previous one which had been carried out experiments with Cahen, Nerus and Claire, started down a huge and highly complex machine, so it could be seen. Cadmus and Jihan were turned slowly to look at it. Controlling even three safety cables to make it land on the ground and secure it with another system on hold, many scientists came to the same to inspect and evaluate. It was a vital energy storage incredibly powerful.

    But while some people broke into the scene, walking quietly, not even as much in them were set up which reduced the pace and looked to the containers, these were getting a strange glow. Strangers would soon be dead inside, drained and all his life in this massive storage device. But something was not quite right ... Cadmus turned his head slowly and sullenly to the side to see how Jihan was separated from him, and to the amazement of all present, as pointing a gun at the heart of man.

    The men followed suit newcomers and pointed to all the scientists and doctors. And in less time it takes for the heart to beat, a gunfight broke unable to assimilate. Soon the infernal noise of the cries of them all had gone, because not one was left alive. Cadmus had not blinked at the slaughter. He just laughed.

    ─ Oh, do not think I'd even take off the mask ─ Cadmus said with a tone of mock surprise ─ ¿Shinra asked you to retrieve these bodies? ─

    The revelation that Jihan was a Shinra officer was not as planned. The infiltrate inside that clandestine laboratory Rengi Jihan, Soldier 1st Class in the famous business and repudiated, nodded slightly to Cadmus, asserting that he had greatly underestimated.

    ─ Why did not do anything if you knew well for whom you worked? ─ asked.
    ─ For what I wanted exactly, Jihan liked was that you do what you've done ─ ─ Cadmus said I know you covet my experiments. I know I'm violating all the laws of nature. I also know that, therefore, will not leave a trace of this laboratory and flee with the bodies. What else does a researcher underground, you never know what you did? ─ culminated said with an affectionate smile.

    Jihan loaded the gun with a loud snap.

    Retain ─ life after it? Jihan ─ he added.

    There was a torrent of gunfire and Cadmus was shot there. All the bullets entered his body while he unloaded Jihan in the chest, arms and legs, half of the cartridge. Very strong shots rang out, and calmly slipped Destion Cadmus slowly, without screaming in pain at one time to the many bullets that pierced the body. When the last shot had given him in the collarbone, fell to his knees. The blood was so great that it was incredible that he had not yet fallen to the ground bleeding. But the horror gradually began to show on the faces of the hirelings of SOLDIER, as Cadmus raised her face with a calm Jihan alarming to see again, which he forgot to breathe for a moment.

    ─ Who said he did not retain? ─ Cadmus said, though he shook a little voice in the process.

    Then something came along with it. Something as fast as they could have taken it for the mere illusion of a ghost, or a hologram. But as soon appeared, Cadmus vanished with him and never saw him again.


    "What madness overflows. The curse begins ..."

    He was alone. That was all I knew at that moment, because all the other senses of my body were off. If they actually had a body, because I felt adrift in mid-air, inconsistent and volatile for peace more reminiscent abrumadura have had. My system seemed to follow neuronal function, because as time went on, thinking about these things. Only the more thought, the harder it reminded me exactly when was the last time they had peace. But was that what you really could not get out of my head? Why not me nothing came to mind? I paused before trying to remember again, and when I tried, I concluded that he must be stunned, because she could hardly remember two names. Two names that did not know how to remember, not sure as I had known. Two names that belonged to people who do not remember know ... But something else happened. I was not in midair. It was now beginning to regain corporeal ear ...

    Something bubbled. What was it? I did not care to find out. I had plunged in thought and tried to tear the memories, almost desperately, because I did not understand anything. The only thing I was clinging to remember what the hell I was doing there, if there was actually there, and who were the people who responded to the names that floated through my brain, dimly, but there. I realized in that brief time I had no idea who I was not. Gradually I felt twinges of pain the vast space that remained in my memory and I ran around like a wandering, hopeless. It was foolish not remember who it was. Of course it was a man of 27 years, average height, and recall perfectly all the features of my body! Many years ago I had a scar on his finger by a burn, of course ... But how had I done? Gaps ... endless and stifling. It was the only answer, because I could remember my age.

    No, no ... Some played with me ... This was impossible ...

    Regained as soon as I feel really desperate. I felt then stand under my body, and realized I was lying face down on something that smelled of damp and dirt. Tics of the body back. My fingers trembled and eyelids closed even as high security gates. He continued listening to the bubbling, with even more intensity than before. Finally the light came back little by little ... something blue impact on my retina through the eyelids ... yes, some faint rose and fell in intensity, intermittent. It reminded me of fire, but was so close that it was impossible, I would have burned. But blue? Could it be magic fire of some sort? The bubble had to be in flames. I tied ropes and started to worry. If there was fire near me, I had to get up or you could hurt me.

    The instinct was following his return, but it was decisive, he did with such impact that opened my eyes wide. It was like being born again. Position your hands so help me up, and got up with a jerk, snapped. The first thing I knew was that something was following me, forward, and that something was engulfed in blue flames. I thought I had thrown some spell and was about to get a terrible sunburn. But while watching I turned around like a riotous, all I saw was a cottage in ruins from the inside, with half of the roof collapsed, and everything else fried like a terrible fire had burned down to the slightest utensil. ..

    That shot had come close to my head was not any spell, or a creature of fire ... It was something that was stuck to my cheek and fell to cover the lips to the neck. What the hell ...? It was a handkerchief. But that meant I had a handkerchief wrapped in blue flames that I was burning at that very moment! I stepped back sharply and raised my hands to the face to pull the handkerchief. That's when I noticed that brought gloves, but did not care. I pulled the handkerchief expecting to feel the terrible burns by itself and I were disfiguring the face, also on the palms and backs, and horror blinded me. I hit the wall trying hard to remove it from there, but it was simply impossible. There was nothing holding him sewn, glued or tied somehow to my face, but just was there and was immovable. I thought I'd go crazy ...

    I let out a scream in the nightmare, because it had to be. There was no other explanation. It was a torment in a dream and I had no escape but by some miracle awakening ...

    I fell to the ground defeated, and let the flames consume me to death. It may well end the nightmare maybe had a final schedule and should get carried away by destiny to awaken. If you wake up remember who it was, it was all clear. Even noting smiled as he died and as the pain was ... I lost consciousness.

    [. . .]

    I do not know who I am. I do not know where I come from. But I have taken the first step in spite of everything, not letting me win. The first step was to accept that it was a bad dream, so I lay in the hut unknown at the ceiling, wondering why the tissue in flames burned me. And added to that, there were at least a thousand more, with an endless number of unknowns, without beginning or end, or the hint of a track that could give me information ... but two names, and surname (which he had just remembered). In the hours I spent without daring to lift a finger, I concluded that those two names belonged to me. I remembered my age, and had remembered something else humidity was Elva. Elvaan had blood in his veins, was certain, but of course, no trace of memories about my parents or my family.

    Stephanus ... Nerus ... Aziel ...

    It was all I had. Could be of some use, perhaps? Could those two names provided more data? I strained my mind, forcing it out of there my past, because he had a past. He was sure, and I was sure that the handkerchief had something to do with it. I would have given his right hand ensuring that the handkerchief was a curse that I could remember, simply because it was not live ammunition. It was that determination and that sure what started it all, as I pointed out that it was absurd to stay there forever until death as something that had never existed. Suddenly, wrapped in these thoughts of anger, I got a new memory unexpected. It was a simple picture ... but changed everything, undoubtedly, an oval object, possibly a bronze ... and hung from a chain. I blinked stunned, and then, as long as you remember something, I wondered how it was possible to have forgotten the medallion.

    A medallion that only knew, without knowing how he had come to know. The irritation turned to me ... But I would not let me stop irritation lying there helpless. There was nothing in life and nothing to lose.

    I stood up with difficulty, but once I did, I realized I was wearing a white coat kind of torn. He had scratches all over the body, a burly but not overly muscular. And although there was a mirror, I knew my eyes were a deep gold, as well as my hair a silvery shining, probably half of my herededados Elva. But he would not see my face until you can take off the handkerchief, and to achieve that freedom, go against fate. I was going to hold on to those two names, one name, and medallion to undermine that he could not remember the past. I was going to take the name of Stephanus Nerus Aziel, and above all, would do whatever it took to recover the fate that had banned me. That life had taken me.

    I will unravel the enigma, or die trying.