• Alexandra appeared to be a simple girl. She was very smart, and could be said to be what most would call 'nerdy'. She loved to read, and write. She could be found most days in the bedroom of her parents house listening to music and reading a book or playing a video game. She had never done well with boys, mainly due to the issues she had with men. It was very hard for her to trust anyone, let alone someone that she would love with all her heart. Most boys thought of her as another one of the guys, and that helped. Then one day, she was swept off her feet (or so she thought) and she moved out of her mother's house and in with a man she would later call her husband. For years, (five to be exact) Alex would put up with the cheating, and taunts to her appearance. The lack of love and commitment that was their marriage. Things came to a head when she found she was pregnant, and 3 months into her pregnancy she lost the one thing she had found comfort in.

    After losing her baby, Alexandra tried to make things work with her husband until he blamed her. He told her it was her fault that they had lost their child. The final straw was pulled and Alexandra kicked him out and moved into a new house, by herself. Things were lonely. She hated the way things were at night. She was used to being alone at night at this point. They hadn't slept in the same bed in quite some time anyway. It just seemed so quiet this way. After nobody had heard from her in weeks, her best friend Emily had stopped by to check in on her. As soon as Emily saw Alex, she knew it was her job to brighten her spirits. She moved in with Alex and did everything in her power to make her smile. She had hated Alex's husband, but knew that Alex really had cared and had tried everything to make it work with him to no avail.

    A few months had passed and not much had changed. Emily finally talked Alex into going on a date but was having trouble finding someone for her. The final choice was to sign Alex up for a dating site, which she took upon herself to do...she would tell Alex..eventually.