Slowly a pair of eye lids opened revealing the odd looking eyes that it concealed; one stunning green and one ice blue. The pupils dilated at different speeds, bringing the world into focus. Once the blur had gone the body, to which the eyes where attached, jerked up out of bed. It took a few moments for the brain to fire up. The body knew that it was a female; it knew that her name was Leighton Lee Ann Smith; it knew she was twenty-three, that she lived alone, and that it was time for her to go to work.
    She worked at as a sales person for a company called DOLLZ. DOLLZ sold life like robots to people that need company, or services. The DOLLZ had hundreds of programs so not only where they perfect for friend ship but also efficient employees. Now a days humans where never needed where there was work there was a DOLLZ, company’s bought DOLLZ by the dozen. The only job that couldn’t be done by DOLLZ was taking care of and selling DOLLZ and that was where she came in.
    Work started slow, as usual, Leighton had the dull job of opening the store. She had to greet all of the costumers, and more importantly she was in charge of the DOLLZ. Every morning she would unplug the DOLLZ from their chargers, scan them for viruses, greet them to make sure their voice box was working perfectly, and place them around the store. “Good morning” she greeted her favorite DOLLZ Erin, then turned to the female version of this model and repeated “Good Morning Jezebel”. The two looked at each other and at the same time chirped “Good morning Lee”. Lee was what she told the DOLLZ her name was.
    Leighton finished placing the DOLLZ around the store, and stood transfixed watching them. They where so life like all where programmed with human emotions, they could be humans if they breathed. Leighton didn’t like selling them because they become almost like family, they have different attitudes they where her best friends. “Hello? Can someone help me?” a small lady with big round glasses called stepping into the store. Leighton smiled walking toward her “I’m sure I can! Welcome to DOLLZ where you can create your best friend”. Leighton added a friendly smile to ease the tension that she felt between the women. “Um I’m here to get a babysitter for my children”. Leighton rolled her eyes ‘what ever happened to teenagers babysitting?’ but instead of saying that she said “Of course please follow me”.
    Leighton led the woman to the section where they kept the temporary DOLLZ, the sign above the section said RENT-A-DOLLZ. The woman inspected the DOLLZ peering over her glasses. She picked the usual blond haired blue eyed DOLLZ, Leighton envied that hair. Leighton had short auburn hair with at least ten layers. The woman left satisfied, and Leighton went to check on the rest of the DOLLZ.
    Erin and Jezebel where fighting their black hair swinging from side to side as they shook their head in disappointment of one another. She liked the way that they looked, they where short and had green eyes, their skin was the color of mocha. They where a package deal, twins. They had the bodies and voice of four year olds and the mind of thirty year olds. Leighton watched as the store emptied, the twins fighting prevented them from being bought. At the end of the day Leighton had decided if they weren’t sold by the end of the day she would buy them. The store was getting a new shipment of DOLLZ and all of the old ones had to go.
    Leighton was locking up the store when a couple walked in holding hands. “Hello, we just found out that my wife can’t have children we herd that these DOLLZ would be a good substitute.” Leighton frowned at the couple, for she knew that they would but the twins the only other child was a fourteen year old, with a broken arm that was permantly bent. The couple first set their eyes lovingly on the little girl. “What is your name honey?” the woman asked. The child’s eyes widened and she shook her head hiding behind Leighton. “Doesn’t she talk?” The man asked irritated. Leighton placed her hand on the DOLLZ shoulder pulling it in front of her.
    “I’m Marie” the DOLLZ voice trembled. The couple looked at each other, the man shook his head and they started in on the twins. They had a short conversation before standing up purchasing the twins, and leaving each of them caring a child. Marie kept a straight face until the couple was well out of sight. Then the DOLLZ face crumpled and its lip quivered. Leighton sighed and turned to the DOLLZ “looks like you are going home with me”. Leighton hugged the DOLLZ, pulling away and for the first time, she saw the DOLLZ eyes one was green and one was ice blue.