• Walking to school one day, Elli was in a good mood. With a smile on his face and pep in his step, nothing was going to ruin his day. Or so he thought. "Yo f** bag!" It was one of the jocks from the football team, Elli became pale and froze in place. "I'm talking to you, p***y. What's wrong? Afraid to have someone know your secret? Talk dumbass! Talk!" "Uh... Hey Rob, how's it going? Uh w-what's up?" Elli stuttered and panicked as he was backing up into the wall. Another one of the guys on the team pushed him back, making his head hit the wall. Elliot trembled, the pain in his head seemed like nothing when he thought about what else they might do. "You know what I think, Elli? I think people like you are a ******** mutation. You're ********. I'm gonna teach you a lesson. Then your ******** boy toy is next." As Elli tried to stutter out a word, Rob threw the first blow, right in Elli's stomach. The other boys Joined and the beating must've gone on for 15 minutes before a cop car rolled by. "Hey!" Screamed officer Joel, as he jumped after the kids. After a short, unsuccessful chase, the officer returned to Elli, and offered him a ride to the hospital. It wasn't long before the ambulance arrived...

    The ride to the hospital wasn't even enough time for Elli to gather his thoughts and think straight. "Why..." was the only thing he could think. As the ambulance, that had driven him to the hospital came to a stop, the paramedics had pulled his gurney out and rolled him in. His injuries were just bad enough that he couldn't walk on his own. He began to black out, "Where... Jayy... Jayy..." Less then 10 minutes later, Jayy was right next to him in the hospital, waiting for him to wake. He touched Elli's cheek lightly and kissed his lips. He waited for about another hour before Elli awoke. "Who?!?" Was all that came out of Jayy's mouth. Elli had looked at Jayy and said, "Jayy please no..." his voice sounded as if he had been swallowing tacks. "I'm just happy to see your face." He tried to pull a smile across his face but found the it to leave faster than it had arrived. Rebecca, Rose, Tony, and Kat had walked in a few moments later. "Elli, you feeling alright?" Rose asked. "I'm fine, I'm glad you guys are here." Elliot said. "WHO?!?!?!" Jayy said with a terrifying fury in his voice. Everyone jumped, and looked at Jayy. Elliot just stared at him though, hoping he wouldn't ask again. "Who was it?!?!" Jayy asked once again. Elliot replied with another question, "You're not going to stop asking are you...?" "No. Now who was it?" "It was Rob... and the football team. They found out about me and you somehow..." Elliot looked at his friends who had all found seats around the room. "Someone must have told them..." He looked down, knowing one of them had told his secret.
    Tony spoke up. "It was me... Sortta... I was talking to Becca about you two kissing... and well... Rob walked by and sortta heard me." Jayy stormed out of the room, but not before punching Tony in the face, breaking his nose. Later on that night, Jayy found the players on the football field. "Hey, Rob! Come fight me. One on one. Not like the p***y a** who jumped Elli, or was that you?" Rob started furiously running towards him. As he had gotten closer, Jayy stepped to the side, putting his arm out, and clothes-lining Rob. He started furiously beating Rob, and anyone who would come to try and protect him. Right before he lost consciousness, Jayy's words to him were, "Don't you ever ******** touch my Elli again!" Then all had gone black, Rob woke up in the hospital days later with a concussion, a few broken bones, and a few rib fractures.