• I took a deep breath.There wasn't much time "We can't be near each other"
    Rai looked shocked"What?Saika,are you ok?"
    He put his hand on my shoulder
    I shook my head"No"and swatted it away,a gesture unlike me.
    He looked mortified now "Saika,please tell me!You can trust me!"
    I was in tears as I backed away"No,I can't.I can't trust anybody anymore,Rai.Not you,Kati,Tatsu or Daisuke.Not even Flare" I felt my 6th sense tingle.They were coming.
    I looked up at my friend,the boy I loved"Rai,I'm sorry.Take care of everyone"
    I called on my powers of Fire Teleportation to send him home to Heart
    "SAIKA!!!!!!"Rai cried as the sphere closed around him,then vanished

    The first Lab Guard crashed through the bushes,a Electrostick in its hands."JOKEERRRR!"Its recorded voice droned.I turned to face it."Now that he's gone...."I muttered.A large,normal sword appeared in my hands as tons more followed.I laughed.All this to get me for her bosses.Wreath must be desperate for a promotion.So be it.
    I raised my sword and charged"YYYYAAAHHHHHH!"