• “How can you tell?” the cold raspy voice of mother winter asked her servant who watched the lonely child sleep from behind a frost nipped window.
    “He is the one mother, the one to our problems. Do you not feel it? The cold and darkness of this child's heart rivals that of the worst fallen angel to ever set foot upon his gods forsaken earth; and the soul of light and purity that is bright as Apollo’s heavenly carriage. He is the one my mother winter, the life of all deaths, the snow living through the flame, the nobody in a crowed world of thousands.” Servant Jack does not take sights off the child. For every moment he spends looking at the boy his black heart twice frozen over seems to feel the warmth of life.
    “Perhaps he rivals so many in sprite but what of body? What? This nobody may be our answer but what of mind? Will he be driven to the depths of sheer madness as the hatter was? Will his body crumble to the smallest of weaknesses as did Achilles?” Jack merely shook his head, still looking at the boy with out so much as blinking.
    “Mother, the boy has lived through every child's nightmare. Not a dream stalker nor torture of the dark but a bone eater, a true monster.” Jack sighed freezing the glass. “It is my own fault this boy is without home or family. It was my snow and your winter that robbed this youngster of his childhood. The faeries we hid long ago beneath the home. Those damned faeries now lose on this mortal realm once more. Because of us they were unlocked, because of us this boy's mother and father now rest in an endless darkness surrounded my so many other toothless skulls, because of us we have blackened a heart of a mortal born angel.” The frost mother silently walks to her servant and rests her hand on his frozen shoulder. Her touch cools his freezing skin.
    “I shale discuss with the other mothers and grandfather time; we must decide what becomes of this child. His fate is a legacy greater that any of the heroes of old. Steal this boy away from the nuns that claim hold of him, flee to safety and guard him. He is your challenge and your reward. Next to this boy you are dust and dirt. Now leave my sights and do as told worthless and blackened monster of snow.” Mother winter forcefully pushed her servant away landing him in a snowbank. “Do not fail as you have with so many other simple tasks. You are swifter than any fairy, now steal this boy and do not return to me if the task is failed.” Her opaque skin frosts over and turns to snow in the cool winter's breeze.
    “Why does mother lack such faith in me, her loyal servant, her following pet, her slave in icy chains. Can she not understand how hard this blackened monster of snow pushes on day after day to freeze the and control the very land for mother?” Frozen joints creaking under pressure Jack rises to his feet, snow clung to his torn white coat and scarf. “I am but an agent of snow put out in the fire or the world. Swifter than any fairy, trickier than any goblin, and more clever than any dryad, I shan't fail you my mother Winter. Cross my black heart I shan't fail.” Silently Jack opened the child's window letting the cold into the room. The boy nudged but did not wake. “Such wonder this child be, such beauty, such life.” with each step Jack took the wooden floor froze over where he stepped. Several of the other orphans seemed bothered by the cold but no one awoke. Silently Jack placed a hand on the black metal two layered bed, freezing the spot he touches. “Now this young one comes with me, the next come sun the nuns shale see. To the night we both must flee.” Gently Jack placed a hand on the boys covers turning the quilt to snow and ice. The sudden chill woke the child. As he Jumped out of bed Jack stepped out of the boy's way. Careful not to frighten him any further. “This mortal realm is no place for me. One finger lay upon this boy and lord knows what my gift yet cursed shale do. But mother Winter beckons me. This task need done, I shan't fail you my mother Winter. Frost or snow this boy must come. A legacy to unfolds on the path I lead him towards.” quickly Jack picked up the boy and as mother had done flashed into the air leaving nothing behind...