• Bobby, Remy, and Vanessa stood side by side, the heavy wind whipping Remy's long dark brown coat and Bobby's short blond hair, along with her own short hair. Pulling out his long steel bo Remy points over towards the three sentinels that walked past the tall New York buildings, " were they dat big before?", he questioned, Bobby encased himself in a thick layer of ice, "don't know, I'm sure their all the same", Bobby replied to his question. They stood atop a large building looking at the sentinels cause nothing but chaos, Vanessa watched, she could practically feel he heat of the flames from this height, "the bigger they are, the harder they fall", she stated before conjuring three red X's under their feet which lifted them up, Remy crouched down, not yet used to this sort of thing, as for Bobby, he just encased the X with ice so he wouldn't fall off, he as well wasn't used to it either. Placing her hands on her hips Vanessa shifts her right foot up and all three of the conjured X's go forwards at a fast speed towards one of the sentinels on their far left, dipping down in such a sudden manner caused Remy to clutch on the sides of the X with both hands now, he looked in her direction, fear and frustration emitting from them, before the two could speak Bobby points out that they were close enough.

    Vanessa lowers them on a near by building close enough to the sentinels head. Bobby crossed his arms, while Remy twirls his bo, they had already went over their plan on taking down all three sentinels, but she didn't like the fact that she had to sit back and watch her two teammates take them on.... was she not any use? Remy and Bobby ran towards the sentinels head but as they did a large hand descends down on the building, luckily all three had avoided the attack, but the building was crumbling beneath their own two feet. Remy jumped over the edge of the building along with Bobby who successfully latched onto the head, Remy had landed on his shoulder, "uhg!", the young female yelps, both men look up at her, a large hand grasping hold of her small form, "not again!", Bobby said loud enough for Remy to hear him, "it ain't her fault", Remy said before the area around them began to fade away until the regular room showed, Logan and Scott stood by each other, Scott shaking his head, "again, you three failed", he said bluntly, Vanessa shook her head, she knew it was her fault, yet again, she slams her fist into the hard metal wall beside her, denting it a little, "it's my fault", she told them, all four of them looked at her, "I can't even do a simple mission right with out getting caught", Vanessa finished, what was the matter with her, she used to do so well in the Danger Room, but now it seemed like she was going down hill. Remy placed a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugs it off, "don't think I didn't forget what you did", Vanessa said before giving him a dirty look, she was talking about the time he kissed her, he didn't deny that, he had began to like this young female more than he wanted to, yet the only thing from stopping him was her age, she was younger then the Cajun, so he simply grins, "I have all da time in da world, petite", Remy said, hinting at her birthday only a few months from now, his words made her skin crawl, and with that he left the Danger Room, whistling a tune that she hardly knew.

    Mean while in the Professor's office Ororo, Emma, Hank, and Logan had been talking about the mysterious vanishings at the beaches in Japan, "probably some mutant chuck, why stress over it", he told him, Ororo gave him a stern look, "do you always have to be so rude?", Logan shrugs, "hey, don't get yer panties in a bunch, darlin", the Professor clears his throat getting both of their attentions, "you are right Logan, this could have been the work of a mutant, but when using cerebro I had found neither trace of mutant or human", the Professor told them all, Hank rubbed his chin, "very strange indeed". After finishing their conversation the Professor had assigned the mission to them, and the jet would be ready to leave in ten minutes, what he did not tell them was that Vanessa would be tagging along with them.

    On the jet Vanessa began to adjust her new suit in frustration, why did it have to be so tight? She grumbled and stretched to get comfortable in this new attire. Before she knew it the sound of footsteps echoed in the jet causing her to look back, the small group looked at her in surprise, "oh, Vanessa", Emma said with a smile, not only was she surprised but the rest as well. Logan sighed, "kid, this isn't the time to be playing games", he told her before placing a hand on the back of her seat, "Logan is right, this mission is dangerous, and besides, there are always other missions", Ororo told her, Vanessa looked at them, she now knew that they weren't actually on the up and up with her, "the Professor told me I could come, don't ask questions", she said with a sigh, did they not want her to come that badly? Was it because of the Danger Room? Did they think she would mess up the mission just like the one with Remy and Bobby? Emma looked over at Hank, who walked up to her, "are you sure?", Hank said, a bit worried that she might have had misinterpret the Professors words, Vanessa nods her head, "yes I'm sure he said it", was all she said, Logan sat down in a seat in front of her, "alright then", Hank said before sitting down in a seat beside her, Emma and Ororo were mostly concerned about her safety, "okay buckle up everyone", Ororo said before strapping her own seat belt on. Logan sighed, "I hope chuck knows what he's doin' ", Logan said, Vanessa sort of agreed with what he had just said, maybe she was or wasn't ready, "he does", Vanessa told Logan who chuckled, "anything you say kid".

    Along the way to Japan she Passed out from the ride, but mostly from Hank's complicated plannings. The feeling of the jet landing woke her up from her sleep, "where are we?", Vanessa asked as she looked out the window, "the land of the Rising Sun", Hank said before unbuckling his seat belt, Vanessa stretched out her limbs, " but we just left the mansion only a few minutes ago", she said while yawning. Emma grinned, " come, lets head out", Ororo nods her head in agreement, "good idea, my lower half feels numb", Vanessa said before unbuckling her seat belt and stretching once again, her joints popping as she did. Stepping out of the Jet the bright light of the sun hit her, she squints her eyes so they could adjust to it, Logan began to sniff around a bit which caught the attention of Emma, "what is it boy? Is Timmy's stuck in a well?", Emma said, a slight chuckle in her voice, Vanessa hid her face in her right hand, laughter erupting from her, Ororo had to fight the urge to laugh, so she just smiled, Logan grunts, " no, Timmy ain't stuck in no well", Logan said, his voice serious, Hank felt uneasy, "I can smell it too Logan", Hank told him before taking a few steps towards the beach, "Hank wait!", Logan shouts out, before pushing Hank out of the way of the large tentacle made out of nothing but water, Logan took the full force of it, his body fly back to only hit the side of the jet , "LOGAN!!!", Vanessa yelled out. Emma and Ororo dodged a second water tentacle as is slammed onto the ground, Hank ran over to Logan who had already gotten to his feet, "are you alright?", he questioned, Logan cracks his neck, " what do ya think?", he snarled as his healing factor kicked into full gear. Vanessa watched as the two water like tentacles came rushing at her, she thrusts her right hand in front of her while her left hand went to the side, she conjured two large red X's that acted as shields, the two large masses of water hit the red X's hard, causing them to explode, sending water every where, "uhg!", the force from the hit had sent a painful shock up her arms causing the X's to vanish. Taking a few steps back she felt hands grasping her shoulders, she did well to hide the pain, "Logan", she said, glad that he was safe and unharmed, "don't you ever do a stunt like that again", he said, his grip on her shoulders getting tighter, Vanessa whimpers and Logan quickly took his hands off of her knowing that she probably strained something, "sorry, just worried about your safety", Logan told her.

    Hank looked over Vanessa's arms while on the Jet, "nothing serious, just bruised a few muscles", he told her before helping her place her arms into the sleeves of her suit, but Ororo stopped him, "I'll take it from here Hank", she told him, a soft smile on her face, Vanessa knew what Ororo would do, probably scold her for going in with out knowing what the enemy was capable of, but no, that wasn't the case at all, she pulled her into her embrace, her soft white hair touching her face, "I'm sorry", Vanessa told her, thinking that was the only thing she could say, Ororo chuckled unevenly, she was crying, she didn't have to look at her to know that, "I'm just glad you're okay", Ororo said before sniffling. She pulls away to look at Vanessa, tears running down her cheeks, she hated seeing Ororo cry, "it's fine mom....???", Vanessa flinched, 'did I?' was all she could think of right now, Ororo couldn't believe the word either, "mom", Ororo said, the word warming her heart, "if that was wrong, then I'm sorry", Vanessa told her before smiling in an awkward way, but Ororo only smiled warmly at her, "it's fine, daughter", Ororo said before lifting her arm up which caused Vanessa to cringe in pain, "sorry", Ororo slowly guide's her hand through and then her whole arm, "daughter huh.... I'm okay with that", Vanessa said with a chuckle, since coming to the academy Ororo has treated her like her own, and she hated to admit it, but she felt Ororo was like a mother to her.

    "That was weird", Emma said as she crossed her right leg over her left, "water suddenly attacking isn't normal", she finished, Hank had taken a simple water sample but it was just normal H2O, "I have no idea what could have caused this, so why not talk to some of the people on this list", he opens up a piece of paper and it read the many families who lost a member of their family from the same incident, " I'm sure we can get a lead if we ask a few questions", Hank told them, Logan crossed his arms, "are ya sure they ain't afraid of talkin' to a few mutants Hank", Logan said. Vanessa shrugs her shoulders, the pain seen on her face, "so what if their afraid, as long as we get the information we need nothing else matters, not even their hate for mutants", Logan grins, "you sound more like me every day", he told her before chuckling, Vanessa smiles back at him, Emma walked over towards Ororo and Vanessa, "how are your arms dear?", Emma asked, Vanessa sighed, "Hank said it was nothing serious but it hurts a lot", she told Emma who gazed down at her arms, she could see some bandages peeking out from her sleeves indicating that Hank had bandaged both her arms, "you'll have to rest for now until they heal", Emma told her. Vanessa formed a half smile, she knew that the healing process would take up to a few weeks to heal her arms, and by then they would have already finished the mission.

    Ororo had started the Jet back up, pulling up she turned in the direction of the first family, soon they would have to travel on foot. The first family had shut the door on their faces, mainly because of the way Hank looked, "what did I tell ya", Logan told Hank, and it seemed to happen almost every time they arrived at a home, the door would always slam shut, Vanessa leaned on Logan's arm, she was tired so he carried her on his back as they kept on going, " their so mean, even in other countries", Vanessa snickered. Ororo took a glance at the sky, the sun was setting, "maybe we should call this a day", she told them, Emma agreed, her feet were killing her, but Hank found something odd, "Ororo is right, it is getting late", he informed. Heading back to the jet Logan suddenly picked up some sort of call for help that only he or Hank could detect, "ya heard that Hank?", Logan asked before taking a quick sniff, "yeah, as a matter of fact I did", Hank said as he looked into the dark, then another scream, this time everyone else heard it, "that doesn't sound like any scream I ever heard", Vanessa said, and she was right, it sounded out of place. The tree's in front of them began to topple over until something big came their way, Emma encased herself with diamonds, Ororo's eyes turned white, and Logan unsheathed his adamantium claws, Hank took Vanessa from his back, making sure he didn't apply any sort of pressure on her her arms, "I'll take you back to the- -!?", but before Hank could finish his sentence a red laser beam cut through the jet, causing it to explode, metal and debris scattering every where. Vanessa watched as their only ride exploded into many bits, "what are we going to do now?!", Vanessa asked once she saw the large robot killing machine pointing two large guns at the team, "stay back, we'll handle this", Hank said as he placed himself in front of her,along with Emma, she could already tell there would be no but's in this, so she ran over towards a near by tree.

    Logan ran up to the first robot, "GRAAH!!", he leaps at it, his claws digging into the robots metal until it swung him off like a pesky mosquito, Vanessa cringed, "that had to hurt", she said before looking over at Ororo who struck the robot with a lightning bolt at it, which didn't really do any good, the robot began to analyze her, or that was what she thought anyways, and lifts its robotic arm up towards her and shot red lasers right at her, she dodged a few but got hit, and just like a bird she began hurdling down to Earth, but not on her watch. Vanessa conjured a large red X that quickly placed itself under limp body and brought her down towards her, "Ororo!", Vanessa said before kneeling down beside her, "uhg.... Vanessa?", Ororo said slowly, Vanessa smiled softly, a sigh escaping her, "you got hit pretty badly", she told her before looking over at Hank and Emma who fought their own robot. "I have to go out there and help!", but Ororo took hold on her leg, "no, it is too dangerous, and plus you are still hurt", Ororo told her before attempting to stand up but fell back down, "and you're one to talk, you can't even stand, let alone use your powers with out putting stress on your body", Vanessa told her, she was serious about this, and Ororo could see it in her eye's. Emma had been smacked into the tree, passing out almost instantly, Hank ran up towards the robot on all fours and jumps up, "HAA!!", his powerful swipe knocked off one of the laser guns but he was tossed aside just like Emma, "I'm going in now!", Vanessa said as she ran off towards the battle where Logan and Hank were. Hank looked over his shoulder to see Vanessa near him and Logan, "Vanessa, what did I tell you!", Hank said sternly, she looks at Logan, "let me help! Right now you both are getting your butt's handed to you!", Vanessa said told them both, she knew she was hurt, but she wanted to help, "I won't stand by and watch my teammates get hurt!", she said before stepping up, "let me go through the pain just as you do", Hank and Logan watched as she dug her hands into the ground, "UHG!", she began to rip a chunk of the Earth from the ground, "I can do more than just throw X's you know", Vanessa said through gritted teeth.

    Running forward she throws the chunk of Earth right at the robots head, causing it to step back a bit, "uuhh!", her arms hang limp at her side, "I don't have to examine you to know that you tore the muscles in your arms", Hank said before getting ready fight, "don't worry about me, worry about what's about to happen next", she told him before all three jumped back from the laser, "graa! This ain't goin' anywhere Hank!", Logan had said before dodging another laser and then another, Vanessa agreed, going on the defense hadn't been working at all, they had to go at it, hard. "Hank! Try to find a weak point", Vanessa told him, "I have tried!", he told before dodging the robots hand, "then what do you think is its weak spot?", he had to think on it for a few seconds before speaking, "dear god, why haven't I seen it before", Hank said to himself, "their heads!", Logan growls, "now we're gettin' some where".

    Logan, Vanessa, and Hank ran towards the two killer robots, Vanessa jumps up, a red X forming under her feet, her job was to dispatch all of the laser guns which she did by conjuring up about seven smaller X's which jammed into the entry way of the guns causing them to explode when ever they tried firing at them. Now Logan and Hank ran towards the two robots, dodging their massive hands and jumping onto their arms to make their way up to the head, "GRAAH!!!", both men had yelled in unison before attack the head, Logan slashing at it until it began to shut down, Hank had ripped the head with nothing but shear force. Both robots fell down causing the Earth to tremble, Vanessa slowly makes her way back onto the ground, the X under her feet vanishing, "you did", Vanessa told them, Logan shook his head, "no, you did it. With out you we wouldn't have gotten this far", he admits, Vanessa wished she could have hugged him but she couldn't use her arms, "thank- -!!", the sound of Ororo' scream caught their attention, it was the two water tentacles, it had Ororo, and the unconscious Emma, "damn it!", Logan shouts before heading over to save both girls, "Logan!", Hank yelled out which stopped him, "look!", he point out that the two large masses of water as it began to merge together and engulf the two, "your attacks wont work on them, you have to.... Vanessa!?", but she was already running towards them, until she jumped into the water, allowing herself to be engulfed as well, Ororo looked at her, and so did she. Her arms slowly, and weakly rapped around Ororo's and Emma's waist's, about ten red X's surrounded the three, she didn't know if this would work or not but seeing that she was already inside why not try. The X's began to swirl around them, gaining speed each second before they began to spin from the current it was creating, the blob of water began to shake and become unstable until it explodes, letting them out, Vanessa groaned in agony as the two woman lay on her arms, "you did good", Hank said, Vanessa smiled weakly, "yeah, yeah.... just please.... get them off my arms", she told them both.

    Hank had called in for another jet to take them back home, they never actually knew who had been causing the threats, but after a week or two all signs of vanishings had stopped for some odd reason, but the Professor could tell that it would happen again, maybe not soon but maybe later on. Vanessa stood outside with her hands placed in her pockets, the muscles in her arms had healed properly after weeks of rest, now she could do things with out any sort of help, and to make things better, she had did so well on the last mission that the Professor told her she could go on future missions, as she looks up at the clear blue sky she smiled, "hell yeah".