Zanteri sat by me as we watched the news together. It had been more than a month now that we had left Russia and all moved into Jason’s mansion of a house. Yuki was truly unhappy about her new life, Zanteri’s boys had stayed with Af to help soothe things back home. Last we had heard, everything was going alright. Which was one thing out of many. Wolffy laid on the couch beside us, her wound was still bleeding some, but she would live, Jason was cooking his dinner before he had to leave for work, and all was well till a sudden knock came at the door.
Zanteri looked to me with concern; obviously she hadn’t smelt a visitor either. I slowly got up and made my way towards the front door, Yuki and Jason poked their heads out from behind the wall to the kitchen, and Zanteri sat up on her knees turned completely around on the couch.
I unlatched the door, trying with all me being to smell out who or what it could be, but nothing slipped so I opened it.
My heart sank, and tears came to my eyes, my legs almost went out from underneath me as I starred at his bruised and battered face. His shaven head and the dark circles under his eyes.
I wanted to throw up, I wanted to hold him and cry with him, for him. I went to move and then his eyes fell behind me on Jason, a low growl erupted from his throat.
“Kail wait!” I screamed out trying to grab him, but like always he was faster than me. He shoved past me and bounded into the living room at Jason who just stood there in shock. Luckily Zanteri was in the middle before he could reach him, she had jumped over the back of the couch and slammed her foot into his chest, and surely it would bruise later. He lay in the pile of wood that once belonged to the table that sat against the wall he now sat against. Yuki’s screams died down, and Jason was too stiff to start picking up the pieces of his plate he had been holding.
Kail didn’t move for a long time, as I swallowed my heart I shut the door and walked over to him, everyone else seemed to be frozen as well. He didn’t take my hand I had offered but slapped it out of his way and stood up, wobbling slightly as he did so.
“Kail, please… I can explain.” I managed to mutter up.
He leaned close to me, his chin almost resting on my shoulder, his breath smelt of blood and it felt hot on my neck. His wolf was not happy with me either, I could feel it. “You’re going to explain to me, why that sack of meat smells like you! From head to toe?!” He yelled in my ear and took a step back; his voice had risen to a level I had never known.
I noticed Jason fidget where he stood, but didn’t do much more than that.
“You were dead. You were dead Kail!” I screamed back, half angry at him, but more at myself. “I wasn’t able to find you, I tried, I really did.” I brought my voice down.
“Before, or after you two.... ?!” Kail kept his voice raised, but he couldn't finish what he wanted to say, the hurt was to much, and I flinched at the pain i caused him. “You don’t know the crap I’ve been through to get back to you. But I’d rather go back to it than stay here.” He pushed past me and went to leave.
For the first time I was glad I was the Omega, “Stay.” I commanded, like I would a dog.
He lowered his hand from the doorknob and stood there without looking back, his head hanging low.
“Sit… Please.” Tears were coming to my eyes quickly and without a word he sat on the couch by Wolffy’s feet, who didn’t even open her eyes or seem to care what was going on around her, Zanteri took a step back from the couch, afraid that he might bound after her next. “Go to your rooms.” I glanced at Yuki and Zanteri, they both nodded, Zanteri quickly picking Wolffy up from the couch and heading down the hallway without a word. Jason stood frozen in the door way. “It’s alright, go.” I said sweetly, and I saw Kail’s muscles tighten at the sound of my voice toward Jason.
Jason quickly nodded and ran out the front door, before he was late for work.
"Who is HE?" Kail growled under his breath, why was it so hard to calm his wolf?
"He's been helpful these few past months," I walked around the couch and knelt down in front of my husband who wouldn't even look me in the face. "Kail, I tried.... I looked I sent search parties for you, I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner." Tear were coming to my eyes, I couldn't bear the thought of loosing him, but I couldn't hide my feelings for Jason, after all he had done for me, and my kind. I don't think I could ever repay him, but I was not only bound by my wolf, but my own law. Kail was my husband till death, true death. I had to make things right.
"Can you back up at least, you stink..." His voice was slightly less cold than before, and all I could do was nod and stand against the wall across from the couch by the t.v "Is this better?" I asked and he nodded, I noticed a small tear waiting to roll down his cheek.
"If I could do it over Kail."- "Don't bother Luxah, okay? Whats done is done, I just hope for God's sake you weren't that stupid." "Of course not!" My wolf became angry and I couldn't help but snap at him like that, "You're such an idiot, I'm sorry I fell in love with a human, I'm sorry for what you've been through, there is nothing I can do to help whats happened, unless you let me help you..."
"You can't help me, I'm taking Yuki and we're going home, you can either come, or stay with you flesh toy." He stood up and went to walk down the hall where Yuki's room was, "Did you forget that I was human once?!" I stomped my foot, trying to call to his wolf, making him stop.
"No... Thats what I love about you the most." His eyes met mine and my heart sank from looking at all the pain, and before I could stop I ran over to him and wrapped him in my arms, crying like I never had before in my life, this was my love and I wasn't going to let go. Ever. "I love you." He breathed in my ear as he wrapped me in his arms. Our embrace seemed to make the world stop the problems I was facing disapear and all that seemed wrong was now right. I wasn't letting go and neither was he and all I could do was pray that it would last that way.

- Title: The Split
- Artist: Luxah
After 10 years of not knowing whether or not Kail was alive or not, Luxah now knows for sure, after her life with Jason, and all thats come down to it, who will she choose?
(exerpt from my book D.R.E.A.M (some words have been changed due to their content)
- Date: 02/26/2013
- Tags: werewolf romance betrayle story love
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