• In the doorway of glory
    death puts his hand in hers
    She whispers "Now, come home now"
    "Soon" he says

    Nothing ever begins. There is no first moment; no single word or place from which this or any other story springs and this story, having no beginning, will have no end.

    You never know how much time you'll have. Every moment must be first known and then savored. Things are not always as they seem to be in this place, so you can't take anything for granted.

    If your life works, and you work in it, then it's okay, whatever is happening is okay. It is a very natural human trait to destroy that which frightens us. A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course of victory. Some wounds cut us so deep they stop. Stop us from letting go, from growing up, from the truth. We burn so hard, but shed so little light, it makes us crazy and sad.

    There are chords in the most reckless that cannot be touched without emotion. We can never flee the mystery that is within us. Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore... Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart, its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. The way it stops and starts.

    No one should brave the underworld alone. Evil is a point of view. When you dance with the devil, might as well be a devil who can give you your own corner of hell to rule. Sometimes you deal with the devil not because you want to, but because if you don't someone else will. Without darkness, one cannot see the light.

    I know I burn for you. Even in my sleep, the sleep of my people where there can be no thought, I burn for you. I will bathe in your warmth. Roll you around me until my heart beats only for you. My breath will grow warm from your kiss. Wherever I go, I will speak of you with love. You and I wont loose each other. I will always find you again. No matter how well you hide.

    It's not the face, but the expression on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it. Nothing is more appealing than a handsome man who is also uncertain of himself. He was like a song I'd heard once in fragments but had been singing in my mind ever since.

    Oh bliss, bliss and heaven...Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeousity made fesh. Blood was its avatar and its seal. We gave our future to the winds, and slumbered tranquilly in the present, weaving the dull world around us into dreams. Love is too precious to be ashamed of. He worked to steal her heart to replace the one she'd stolen from him. Love is not about owning someone, but loving them. And she loved a boy very, very much--even more than herself.

    I was thanking him for...
    Well for something I'm not sure I can explain now
    For showing me that something
    besides cruelty could be found in this world
    I suppose....