• Mid Day, Low Tide:

    The Crystal Artifact's light has guided the Ark far east and deep into unknown waters. Even Grim has no idea where we're headed, or even where we are for that matter. We've been sailing in the same constant direction for a full two days and there's still no sign of land anywhere, but I have a feeling we'll find some soon. I'm just not sure if that'll be a good thing.
    Zero seems worried too from what I can tell of his limited facial expressions. He doesn't smile much, or laugh, or even frown, but I can sense he's uneasy. He elected to keep watch from the Crow's Nest and hasn't slept at all for several days. Sometimes I wonder if all military soldiers are as iron willed as him or if it's a unique trait. Still, everyone has their limits and I know it won't be long before even Zero succumbs to his body's lack of rest.
    I hope the Artifact's light isn't leading us astray. The more we sail, the more I can see the water growing stiller and drifting lower along our ship's hull. It's stagnant water too, completely without life or energy. Dead water. And to make things even worse, a thick fog appeared and has been enveloping the Ark ever since the Artifact's light stopped moving. It's almost like when we traveled to the "Shoreman's Cove"... only eerier.
    Heart wants me to take over managing the sails, so this is as much as I can write for now, but I hope the next time I make an entry, I'll be breathing in fresh ocean air once more. And I hope I'll stop hearing strange cries in my dreams by then too.