• Once upon a time, there lived a magnificent princess named Cinderella. She was married to the prince and was pregnant. The prince, also known as the king, deeply wanted the baby to be a boy so he would one day grow up to be the ruler of the kingdom. But, the baby was a girl. Cinderella named her Red because Red was born in a red room. The king was furious. He immediately called a divorce. Cinderella was mad at her husband and agreed. Little did she know that she wild be kicked out of the palace, left with nothing but her baby.

    She walked and walked, until she reached a forest, while carrying Red. She finally saw a cottage and entered it, finding no one. She was glad until 2 seconds after, a man her age came in. She pleaded with her life saying, "Please sir, I have no where else to raise my only child. May I live here until she is ready to do thing herself?"
    The man politely said "Of course."

    Cinderella grew in love with the man (named John) , as did the man fall in love with her. They got married. Red still doesn't even know her true father. She was a baby then and now she is 16. She has brown hair and in love with the color red, which is ironic. Her mother, Cinderella, made her a long red hood.

    Cinderella got news that John was eaten by a bear when he went to the store to buy milk. Cinderella was heartbroken and couldn't tell her daughter. So she said that he went and traveled the world and wont be coming for a long time.
    Cinderella let he daughter run around outside for fun.
    Red made a batch of cookies for herself and left the cottage. In the middle of her way, she saw a man. A weirdly familiar man. So she asked a question any girl would ask,"Who are you?" The man replied with a simple, "No one." Then left.
    Red continued on her way, creeped out by the way the man was looking at her. Then she saw the man transform into w wolf. She ran for her life. The wolf/man chased her until he caught her. She screamed and then was silent. The wolfman's hand was on her throat, choking her to death. Cinderella came, because she heard the scream. Cinderella saw the wolfman. The wolf transformed back into a man. It was the prince (Cinderella's first husband) and Cinderella just saw him kill his own daughter.