GENDER: Female/Female
    DATE OF BIRTH: Day 11 of the Season Of Hearts, Year 1284
    AGE: 16/16
    RACE: Human/Human
    HOMETOWN: Capital City, Empire of Hearts/Capital City, Empire of Hearts
    LIKES: Tricks, Pranks, Confusion/Puzzles, Mysteries, the Unknown
    DISLIKES: Work, Serious People, Idiots/Normalcy, Mundane answers, Average People
    ATTRIBUTES: Doppelgangers

    "The fun is in the trick."/"It's boring if there's no mystery."

    A pair of twins who work for the corrupt Empire. Formerly guards who served under Heart's mother, they switched allegiances following Hatter's Coup to save themselves from being killed. An enigmatic pair who are indistinguishable and inseparable from each other, they enjoy teasing and questioning others for personal amusement.