• I am surrounded by darkness. I can’t even see my hand waving in front of my eyes. I can hear my love’s voice, but I can’t tell which direction it’s coming from. I feel helpless. I can hear my breathing growing heavier and quick. I reach my hands out in front of me, frantic to find an object to bring me to reality. So far, all I feel is space.

    “Adrian? Where are you?” I whisper into the blackness.

    “Abby! Abby, where are you?” I hear him say. He is frantic as well.

    The last thing I remember is driving with Adrian in the woods. It was getting dark, and I said that we should be getting back soon. He said that we should enjoy the nice night. However, I knew that there was no moon that night, and I was getting uncomfortable.

    Suddenly, a deer ran out in front of the car, and we swerved, missing the deer. The car slid down an embankment, me getting thrown from the car. I can still feel that jabbing pain in my shoulder from landing on the ground.

    I don’t know if Adrian is all right, so I call out again.

    “Adrian! Are you all right? Adrian?” I say a bit louder. My voice can’t seem to gain any volume. It’s almost like the darkness is covering my mouth, muting my words.

    My footsteps on the forest floor make enough sound to ease my mind a little. At least I know I’m not dead and in hell. I’m still on earth. But where was Adrian?

    My arm crashes into a tree, and again I feel a jabbing pain in my shoulder. I cry out, clutching my injured arm. Adrian hears me this time.

    “Abby! Oh, god. Please, Abby, say something! Are you ok? Tell me where you are!” I sense tears in his voice. Oh, if only I could tell you where I was!

    “Adrian?” I can feel confidence in my voice now. I need to get his attention. “Adrian!”

    “Abby! I hear you! Where are you? Keep talking to me, Abby. I need to follow your voice!” I almost collapse in happiness from the sound of his voice. He heard me.

    “Adrian…I hurt my arm. Where are you?”

    “I don’t know, Abby, just keep talking to me.”

    I feel blind. I never knew how frustrating it could be to be blind. I never want to be this alone again. I stop walking, still clutching my arm. But...wait…is that blood? My arm is wet, but it’s not cold. The liquid is warm. No…

    “Adrian, I think I’m bleeding. I don’t know how bad it is,” I say weakly. The energy is starting to drain from my body.

    “Abby, don’t stop talking. You have to stay with me.” His voice seems a bit louder. I pray to God that he’s getting closer to me. I can’t make myself walk anymore. My arm is soaked now. I guess soaked in blood.

    No. Hang in there. Adrian is near. Everything will be all right.

    It’s hard to stand now. I let my legs collapse under me, and I slide to the ground, onto the wet ground. It’s cold, or maybe I’m cold. I feel so weak. Maybe if I lie down…

    “Adrian, I’m tired.” I whisper into the darkness.

    “No, Abby! Stay with me!” His voice is pleading. He seems desperate now. Desperate to hear my voice. I can’t let him down.

    “Adrian…can you hear me?”

    “Abby! I’m almost there! I can hear you!”

    I smile at the closeness. “Ok. Good.” I say. I realize that my eyes have closed. It’s hard to tell when it’s so dark. But, I can’t open them again. My eyelids are too heavy to lift. I never realized they were so heavy.

    “Abby? Say something.”

    I open my mouth to comfort him, but words won’t come out. I can just barely hear a squeak come from my lips.

    I seem to be falling asleep now. I try to stay awake, but my body keeps protesting. But, I can’t let Adrian down. He needs me…

    I didn’t know if I was dreaming when I heard his frantic whispers by my ear, telling me to wake up. I’ve never heard him cry so hard. I feel his arms under me, cradling me to his chest. His head is buried in my hair, sobs vibrating the both of us.

    He’s so sad…he shouldn’t be so sad. This wasn’t his fault. If only I could comfort him. I wish I could see his face, but it’s just so dark, and I’m so tired…all I can do is sleep now.