• It all began right after my fourth period class. I was walking to lunch with my friends, when out of nowhere a nerd wacked me aside the head. He had come out of nowhere, like a ninja nerd ninja emo . I got so mad evil , i turned around and punched him scream ,unfortunately, i kept walking while looking back after i did so sweatdrop , and i ended up running straight into a pole. Not just any pole. Nope. The poles at our school are like giant beams of metal. Ya can't miss them. So, as it turns out everyone noticed when i ran right into said pole. The sound of "ooooooh" 's soon filled he hallway, followed by emediate cackles and snorts rofl .Needles to say, it was a very emberassing moment. Oh and did i mention that the crush of my life just happened to be passing by me at the time? I wish i was a ninja nerd , maybe then i could of just hid my shame in the shadows ninja emo