• It all began a very long time ago, yet it only feels like it was yesterday.
    The first time i saw her, I couldn't take my eyes off her.For an instant i forgot everything.
    I had never lost control of myself like this before , and even though i realized that this wasn't like me to keep looking at a girl , all I could think of was that , 'could such beauty be even human!'.
    Ever since a kid, I was strictly famous among my friends for being extremely shy with girls having never talked with any on my own.Not to mention I was nowhere nearly the most handsome looking guy.Yet that day I couldn't just stop looking until my friend nudged me by my side and asked "hey man! what are you staring at ? You look weird ".She was gone and with some kind of stabbing pain in my chest i replied smilingly ,"Never mind me , Who's She?"
    When i heard those words coming out of me, I knew , something was really going wrong with me!
    I had an amazing talent , you know . I could tell the most serious of lies by looking straight in the face of the most scariest of people without a frown or getting caught .Perhaps it was this talent of mine , being able to perfectly hide my emotions , that had helped me survive until then.
    By the passing days , I used to keep looking at her silently in the class without ever making anyone suspicious.It seemed that my friend had known her for a couple of years now , and from what I found out , she could make even the hottest and the coolest guy gape at her. I was simply no match.
    Her name was "Forum"(not sure about the spelling).She was an Islam (muslim) but that hardly mattered to me being quite free minded than my elders. I am still sometimes confused whether it was love at first sight or simply infatuation , guess I'll never know.
    But i do know this, just being able to see her made my days worthwhile. Even though she was the most beautiful girl in my life, frankly she wasn't that much of a genius. But I do know this, she deserved someone far better than me , someone who would keep her happy.
    It was this thought about her well-being (rather than mine) that made me keep to myself about how I felt for her.I never confessed to her , or anyone before now. Even today when i get to see glimpses of her smiling face while traveling (we live in the same town), it makes me feel happy , because i know that she is happy. Isn't that what love is all about?
    I have no regrets.I only wish , I could have spent a little more time with her around me.
    I truly wish , even now when I am writing, I want her to be truly happy.I don't know if I should regret not having told her about my feelings, I'll never know.If however i could go back in time, I would like to propose her , to see how badly can things turn out.