• wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance The teenager removed his hand from her mouth thats now at dry as the pages of a book. She looked at him with her beaming blue eyes that where now filling with tears. The teenager said to the driver do we have to do this to her? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? I mean look at her she is so little and scared. The driver looked her in the eyes and said yes we have to. The other man had jet black hair and green eyes Angie called him lover. She called him lover because she knew that he wanted to save her. Lover grabbed her hand and whispered: I will try my best to save you. He pulled the bag back over her head and still held her hand. the driver hit the brakes and got out of the car. Opened the door next to Angie. Pulled her out and carried her over his shoulder. Lover got out of the car and followed them. Mean while back at the party her friends had called almost 10 times now but there was no answer. They left the party to go look for her. but they didn’t know where she is or where she would go or do.
    As angie was being carried to a place where she did not know where or what it was. Someone grabbed her a**. she tried to yell but still nothing. Lover yelled stop it leave her alone. The man that was driving smacked lover to the floor. the man put Angie down and pulled her arms up and tied them to a pole. Then her legs. the only thing she could feel was the feeling of an ice cold sheet on her naked bare back. The bag was once more removed from her head she couldn’t see anything.

    TO BE FINSHED.........