• In a room, plain of features slept a small, ink-haired child. As a nearby clock chimed the witching hour, a shadowy form began to appear. The clock clanged for the final time as the figure turned corporeal, standing over the young girl. It leaned in to the dark girl's ear, “Daralis...you are mine. No one shall ever touch you.”

    The girl, Daralis, shot up, looking around to see... nothing. Daralis, only being five, swept her luminescent green eyes fearfully about for monsters before jumping out of bed. Now fearful of her very own room, she decided that sleeping with her brother on this dusky night was safer. The shadowy being, with dark hair and wine-colored eyes, watched the small child leave for her elder brother and waited for the time to spirit the girl away.

    Ten Years Later

    “Miss Destaire. When did Francos Jones enter presidency?” Mr. Benald questioned the small black-haired teen sitting next to the window with her attention to the storm outside.
    She answered without so much as turning her orbs to her teacher, “2024.”
    He nodded, “That is correct, but please at least pretend to pay attention.” With that, he continued his lecture. “Now, the Great War of 2020 was devastating to many countries, mainly from the sheer amount of chemicals used. As you remember from yesterday...”
    Daralis quickly lost interest in listening, having learned this earlier from her brother. A tiny girl, neither ugly nor beautiful, with emerald green eyes and pitch colored hair. With her uniform on, which came complete with white blouse, dark red jacket, red ribbon, and a raised and pleated red skirt that could almost be considered a mini-skirt? Long ago she decided that whoever designed the uniform had a perverted mind.
    Her grades were quite good for how much she ignores her classes, mostly having 'A's. Lyam, her brother, made sure to teach her all he learned. She was more of a reader and a daydreamer than a hands-on learner.
    She supposed some guys liked her, but something always seemed to scare them away. Daralis did not much care, as she would rather read or draw than catering to some boy's will to get drunk at a party. For the duration of class, she drew while an indistinct being could be seen somewhat nearby... His skin was porcelain pale, with old-fashioned clothing from about the eighteenth century. The class went on as usual, having never been able to see the apparition.
    Rrriinng! Rrring!

    The bell went off, signaling the end of class. Everyone was nearly gone as Daralis stood. Heading for the door, she froze as the figure held her in a backwards lovers' embrace. She shivered at the contact with the frigid arms. That problem had been happening quite much, lately. Usually it was something small, a brush on the arm or shoulder, though sometimes while she was alone it brushed her legs. It normally never strayed too far from her knees, yet once while she showered something stroked her stomach. It was safe to say she lingered in the shower for much less time now.
    “Is something wrong, Miss Destaire?” Mr. Benald asked the frozen teen.
    She shook her head, turning towards the teacher while smiling, “No, just thinking about something.”
    School ended soon after, seeing Daralis at home. She was found at her desk, doing homework. The house was quiet, only she resided at home for now. Lyam was the only one other than herself who lived in the small home. 'Sometimes I just wish that imaginary friend would come back...what did I call him..? Sile...No, not that...then, Silvestre? Sanchez? Soapy?' Daralis thought to herself.
    Wandering over to her desk, she opened a drawer to reveal a childish drawing of what looked like a man with black hair and reddish eyes. Well, they had been those colors, after all, her coloring abilities weren't the best then. The picture was of two stick-figures, one with long black twiggy hair and green dots for eyes, with the other having an equally twiggy body and red dots for eyes. On the top of the drawing were the attempts at writing 'D-lis and S-.' Throughout the years, the crayon markings were faded and blurry, with what looked to be water also covering the top. Falling over upon the bed, the green-eyed teen stared at her ceiling. With lack of better things to do, she slipped into the realm of dreams.

    Dreams (memories..?)

    A small child, with dark, dark hair, opened a pale door with a small paper sign on the front declaring it 'Lyam's room'. She padded over to the bed, careful not to step on anything that might be littering the floor of the room. It was a slightly larger room than the girl's own room, with light blue walls and light blue carpeting. The shadow-haired girl carefully climbed into the already inhabited bed,where her brother sl umbered The boy, with blonde hair and grey eyes, twitched as his younger sister slipped under the comforter. He sat up, rubbing at his eye with one hand, “D-Daralis...? What're you...?”
    “Som'thin' woke me up in my room... 'm scared of bein' alone, can I sleep w' you...?” Daralis sniffled piteously.
    The twelve year old sighed before tucking his sister in and leaning back into the pillow, “Sure. You better not have an accident in my bed though, got it?” She nodded at her brother and soon fell asleep with her small head against his chest.

    A seven year old child was running about the yard, playing with what seemed to be no one. “Come on, Silvio! You can't catch me!” She shouted out at thin air. Adults worried about it; after all, she was much too old to still have an imaginary friend. Her brother allowed it, thinking it was better that she get out of the phase when she was ready rather than force her. Seeing as Lyam was the one that was around her the most, their parents always off doing something or another, he practically raised his little sister.
    One day, her teacher called her parents about her 'friend' and told them how it was disrupting their schoolwork because she was talking too much. That night they snapped and yelled at her, trying to convince her that 'Silvio' didn't exist. They never were real great at taking care of children.
    That night, Lyam went to her room and told her that she should probably stop talking with Silvio, as the grown-ups didn't like him much because he interrupted her learning. After that day, she was quieter, never speaking in class or playing during recess. It was like her activity level was all connected completely with her 'Silvio'. Daralis also tended to spend her nights in Lyam's room for the first few years, saying that she felt too alone in there. He allowed it, seeing how unresponsive his little sister had become. Five years later, he moved out of their parent's house. Of course, he made sure to take Daralis with him when he did so.

    Dream (memories...?) end

    As she slept, her stalker had gathered enough spectral energy to make the stove emit carbon monoxide. The dark-haired apparition glided back to the equally dark-haired teen's side. He lay next to the girl, whispering lovingly in her ear as he stroked her soft hair, “Soon, you will not have to worry about anything anymore. You will be with me...”
