• Hi I'm Emily and I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I love my family and I love my friends but I don't feel any type of challenge or adventure in my life. I try to be the best at what I do but I just fail. What is the point of living? To breathe? to Love? To learn? To interact with each other? I just don't understand the point in living anymore. Meaning I don't understand anymore why we are all living here on earth. I'm not suicidal. I love my life. I truly do but I don't understand anymore. What is so great about life it it's so short? Why are people always so afraid of death? Who don't more people look forward to the after life? and truly why do we exist? this all just came to be because of a web site called Gaia online.com where you go around the site talking in forums, playing games, creating a virtual house earning money to buy different items for your avatar so that you can try and look the coolest on the site, so that you can try to be the best. Some of us succeed with that, very few but we do. The rest of us just sit there wondering what we didn't do or did wrong or what we could have done. and then some of us keep trying to get to the top but continue to fail. So we give up and wallow in our self pity because we're sore losers. Then we wonder, what is the true purpose in life? What can we do to make life seem a little bit more enjoyable or adventurous? Some of us figure that out really quick and either get to the top or figure out how to be happier. Some of us never figure that out and will never figure that out. Some of us will search our entire lives for out true purpose in life and when we find it, it will be too late to act on it because oh what to you know hey look there's death right around the corner ready to be stared down by the few and the brave or feared by most. Are we afraid of death because there's usually paint to accompany it? And the last thing we want to remember in our short life here on earth is a bad thought, let alone to be remembered for something bad. That's what we want is to be able to live a long and happy life. But so may are denied that one wish and are instead stuck with misery. Some welcome death, others attempt to run and fail, and some even go looking for it. There is no immortality for humans. We came her to supposedly do what fate told us to do and then leave. Our missions may be short but they are not meaningless, or so we're told. Why do we have to be so greedy and want so much? we don't need much to survive but we used our imagination and created unneeded things like the latest fashions or cars why do we want all of this attention and things? WHY?