• You..how do I even begin?
    You were so brilliant..even words couldn't express your brilliancy..
    Have you ever lost a friend for the most pathetic reasons? Well I have.
    But still I'm happy for that, because I know that if I'd be angry at her..it would only kill me inside..kill the real person I am..I'd become a monster..non the less it still hurts..real bad..
    It hurts when I can't express my emotions to you..I shut them up and they flutter about ..unstopable...I really truly miss my carefree life before..But now I must be happy for all of it..because life is very precious and very short..
    Still I wish you were here with me...but that won't happen again...well it can, but it will never feel the same..
    Here I sit expressing my feelings to a computer..tearless sobs come out of me..
    Have you ever felt that no one understood you and you had to cut yourself for it?
    I know cutting yourself is very stupid..so why do it?
    It's because you are so angry ...you cannot feel the pain..although after words a feeling starts taking over you..stupidity..so I know my friends that you can loose somthing extremly beautiful from you..but still remain happy for all of it...because life is so very important...it wouldnt make sense to cling to nothing for that whole time..
    So be happy even if it is so hard to do so..and you will feel like a better person..and your life would be more easy to life in..
    Thanks- Pat