• I see u thar...with that girl ... you walk away leaving me...in the coled dark damp worled ... I run after you calling your name ... but you dont here me... yelling you name...I trip and fall but you dont see me ...it starts to rain im left ... outsied in the cruel worled with no pretetion ...( drip drip ) tears fall for u my love ...but you dont care... I lay thar speschless dieing from brocen harted ... you finaly see... but you dont bother with me ... I lay thar to die... but i dont you ceap me alive ...even thow you dont care for me... the sun comes out ... I`m wet from the storm ... i just with i culd be free of this bond of love i have for you it killes me ... but i love you and thats a fact ...the sun is out but all arond it`s dark afond ... funny it`s like thars no more love ,,, my frends and famaly thay dont care ...my brother erased my mined ... the only one how helpes me is my eevee i fell like shes my sister i love her dearly if anything happend to her i wuld just die ...funny it1s like if me and eevee were sisters it wuld be like is Angels and Devels were brother and sisters ( i dont know if thar are or not )if thay wuld be brother and sisters the devels wuled be evel and angels wuld be nice ... i beleve we live to love but we love to live ... god has sent us a role to do on this earth once its dune and acompleshed we die like a roes in winnter and once we have a new role we are reborn like a roes in the summer.